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V60s Problems


Apr 12, 2004, 1:42 PM
Ok, along with the standard problem of the phone not ringing/vibrating, now, I have a newer issue, I do not get any alerts to the external display, it will not even light up, just (if its working) ring/vibrate.

Also, I've been having problems with the phone just turning off, it happens even if the phone is plugged into the travel charger.

I'm not about to go through the same crap that I went through with the T720. VZW tells me that they test their phones before they put them on the market...well when do the Moto's get their testing?

I miss my Audiovox CDM-9500. 😢

Apr 12, 2004, 5:41 PM
i don't think any of the carriers really test out moto's phones. because it doesn't matter which carrier, all the moto's are @sscrap. including this new batch of stinch that got released recently.

Apr 12, 2004, 5:51 PM
it also has a lot to do with the motorola software....Microsoft is the company writing it or them

Apr 12, 2004, 6:34 PM
afaik, ms is only writing the software for the smartphones (which begs the question, why the hell would anyone buy a phone that the software was done by ms) and their moto's crackhead teams are writing the rest (in between hits from their crackpipes).

Apr 12, 2004, 7:04 PM
MS writes the software for the motorola t720/t730/t731....and the c333/c343

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