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Two lines on one phone


Apr 10, 2004, 10:55 PM
If I have 2 lines on one phone (one personal and one for work) will both lines recieve calls without specifically switching the phone to that line through the menu options?


Apr 11, 2004, 12:12 PM
I don't think it will work both at once.. u'd have to switch NAMS from line to line

Apr 13, 2004, 8:25 PM
That's correct, you have to set up which NAM you want to use. Also, if you're in the west area your phone's ESN (it's serial #) registers in a fraud services programs, and if it picks up an ESN on 2 NAMS in the same local area, it may shut off your phone for fraud, it's the way the networks are designed out here, in the Midwest they use a different billing system, which may be different, you can how ever have like a Cali # and a Florida #. Same billing system structure, but different switching areas....

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