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When will Verizon carry the Balckberry 7230?


Mar 2, 2004, 2:09 PM
I like my phone but want to start using a Blackberry 7230 for work. When will Verizon support this phone?

Mar 3, 2004, 7:31 AM
I'm another who is waiting for a better Blackberry. Verizon is painfully slow launching new products for business folks.

They are more concerned with cameras, games, and ringtones.

Mar 3, 2004, 8:18 AM
Believe me, any and all products are extremely slow to come out with VZW. When it comes to phones etc, they are so far behind the other carriers due to their slow testing process and what ever else they do. Some say the Mot 720 is the reason cause they rushed this one, however with all the testing and what have you this phone still is pure junk.

Apr 2, 2004, 1:14 PM
Why do you think this phone is pure junk? My business is using them and I'm still waiting for VZW to get their act together. Most people seem happy with them. Is there another phone you recomend that gives e-mail as well?
Rich Brome

Apr 2, 2004, 6:36 PM
The 7230 is a GSM phone, so no chance of that, but in case you missed it on the front page, RIM did just announce the 7750 for Verizon:

https://www.phonescoop.com/news/item.php?n=826 »

...which is actually better - it has a much bigger display than the 7230. 🙂

It's supposed to be out in April.

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