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Mar 1, 2004, 7:28 PM
does it cost? and does it happen often?

Mar 1, 2004, 7:58 PM
69 cent a minute for roaming

Mar 1, 2004, 9:55 PM
does it happen a lot? or hardly ever? could it happen in a big city?

Mar 2, 2004, 7:13 AM
I guess Verizon wants you to keep an eye on the ever shrinking ERI... the happy insignia that indicates 69 cent roaming or home rate roaming... At least Sprint (who totally suck) have their phones flag a roaming call with a BIG "this is gonna cost you" message and you have to OK it. More and more of my customers wear corrective glasses for reading and piss ant little indicator make them angry.

Anyhow, with roaming agreements changing on a daily basis, and if you don't perform regular updates to your PRL, your question is hard to answer. Its a matter of where you use your phone... Are you in the heart of Verizon land?

Mar 2, 2004, 9:08 AM
It does not happen very much at all. Only when your phone indidcates that you are in a roaming area. VZW covers 95% of the population of the US.

Mar 2, 2004, 9:38 PM
I work Tech Support for Verizon Wireless. To answer your question about whether or not it can happen in a big city, it most definitely can and how often can vary. Since cell phones work off radio waves, there are alot of things that can interfere with the signal such as telephone wires, buildings, weather, trees, lots of metal around or electronics being used near the cell phone etc. Basically signal is totally dependent upon the cell phone "seeing" a tower and whether that tower is running at full frequency or not. Verizon's cell towers have a radius of about 15 miles. However, that signal can fluctuate further than 15 miles and less than 15 miles depending on the tower and surrounding area. That's one reason we put towers pretty close to...

Mar 2, 2004, 9:53 PM

Mar 5, 2004, 11:09 AM
since you work for vzw can you explaine to me why vzw doesnt come out with a speaker phone the works with the flip closed,nextel and sprints sanyovm4500 you can talk on phone calls with the flip open or closed and can even answer a call with it closed and the speaker is loud,vzw speaker phones are pretty much useless if you have to have the flip open

Apr 9, 2004, 3:48 PM
I honestly couldn't don't know. Sorry. We may start seeing stuff like that with the addition of the push to talk but I'm not sure.

Apr 9, 2004, 3:49 PM
The response from Alwebb is actually from sucka fish. I was using another login.

Apr 9, 2004, 4:06 PM
Hey there everyone!! is anyone board at work today!!

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