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another question...


Mar 17, 2011, 2:33 PM
I've Always been able to put my up graded phone on next months bill.

But in January & Febuary I made payment arangments. It was where we were helping my sil who's fighting double liver cancer and we helped her with some of her medication's. Which is neither here nor there with verizon.

I honored the payments. Not disconnected.

But towards the end of the next billing cycle I'm thinking of buying the htc thunderbolt. All though I'm looking at other phones comeing out to.

Think I will still be allowed to purchase my new phone and add it to the bill after that? Or will they hold those payment arangments against me?

And verizon stores can't handle up grades? The nearest verizon store ids 45 min drive (one way). But a few days ...

Mar 17, 2011, 9:15 PM
The answer to that depends on how Financial Services handled the issue.

Basically, there's two main ways your account gets flagged for not being able to bill to account: being late on payments a certain number of times within six months (in my area, that's two times), or once you go long enough without a payment to be temporarily suspended (which is about the same thing, really).

So if you weren't late before you made payment arrangements, you might be fine. If you were, then maybe not.

The best way to know for sure would be calling in and asking, visiting a corporate store, or going online and trying to buy something (like accessories). If you're 45 minutes from the nearest corporate store, then I'd call and ask.

Not sure why ...

Mar 17, 2011, 10:17 PM
There are a few more reasons as well. Accounts that have been open less than 6 mos. Or have low rate plans sometimes don't have eligibility. New accounts sometimes includes after an assumption of liability. I've not seen an account with a flag of x late payments being the reason for no bta but that's not to say it doesn't exist. If you had been suspended for non payment it would be a 6 mo wait but you should be good.

Mar 17, 2011, 11:18 PM
Thanks, I didn't think to include the less than 6-month old account angle since it didn't apply here.

Most of the No BTA accounts I see are because of "excessive" late payments. Not sure about where you are, but in the West two late payments can cause the BTA field to change. I've seen it happen more for accounts with a longer history of late payments. I saw one today - he was late on his payment twice in the last four months, no BTA ability.

Mar 17, 2011, 11:31 PM
Customer service runs on OneVoice. I get accounts from the entire country. With that comes certain restrictions and a bit of confusion when it comes to regional promotions. I thought I would cover the new account angle just for the aol. A lot of people don't know that creates a brand new account.

Mar 17, 2011, 11:33 PM
Many people don't understand the whole AOL thing - including employees. Some people just think that we're changing the name on an account like we would change an address.

Mar 17, 2011, 11:53 PM
The worst thing I've ever encountered was a contract dispute that crossed an aol. I called internal support and everything. Turns out someone on the account did an au than when the iPhone came out used their upgrade to get it. Effectively taking two upgrades in 10 months. Leaving me to tell the account owner that he would have to either wait or take the greedy assh*les iPhone for himself. Was a 40 min call with 3 holds with the standard being 6.5 mins. I was so frustrated it was ridiculous.

Mar 18, 2011, 12:50 AM
Sounds like you won't be a paid upgrade for him. Either this will be an annual upgrade or some already extended you with an offer of some sort or maybe a Premium Agent who can make more of activations?

As to billing it to your account it should be no problem as long as your account is current.

Mar 18, 2011, 12:57 AM
Just upgrade online. I hate going to the store and it is five minutes away. There is not a snowball's chance that I would drive forty-five.

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