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Verizon - Sign up now or wait


Jan 1, 2011, 5:02 PM
I was thinking of switching to Verizon b/c AT&T in my area keeps having network problems because of the iPhone data clog issue. I'm a Blackberry user and use mainly for email and some surfing. No video streams, downloads, etc. Just basic stuff.
Plus, network just doesn't seem to be keeping up to standards with VZW. Having said that, I was considering waiting for VZW's rollout of 4G LTE in my area and the Blackberry or should I sign up now using VZW's 3G service.

Question - are the calls on 4G much different than the 3G or does this mainly apply to data and calls aren't that much different between 3G and 4G?

Jan 1, 2011, 5:29 PM
No difference on calls.

Might as well get a blackberry now. Both current models (Bold, Curve 3G) are upgradable to OS 6. No 4G Blackberry on the horizon anyways. Once you reach your 1 year anniversary VZW lets you upgrade anyways. Much better choices on 4G handsets in 2012.

Good luck, if you are in Texas I can hook you up if you want to switch.

Jan 1, 2011, 5:42 PM
I am in Texas. Thanks for the info.

Jan 1, 2011, 5:44 PM
Please PM me if you are in the North Texas area. Verizon Wireless Premium Retailer with plenty of locations.

Jan 1, 2011, 6:05 PM
Are you in the Houston area?

Jan 2, 2011, 9:42 PM
Sorry. Dallas area. Send me a private message though.

Jan 1, 2011, 11:05 PM
Let me get this straight. You said after one year Verizon let's you upgrade?

I joined Verizon March of 2010, my understanding is that I can't upgrade until November of 2011. Is my understanding correct, or?

Jan 1, 2011, 11:33 PM
If you're a single line or family share primary line over $49.99/mo (not including add-ons and taxes), then you can upgrade annually OR at 20 months. Annually, you upgrade with the two-year pricing plus a $20 early upgrade fee. At 20 months you get the two year price, no upgrade fee, and either a $30 or $50 discount (because you signed in March 2010, which discount you get depends on how much your price plan is).

If you're a secondary line, your only discounted upgrade is at 20 months, with no extra discount on top of the two year pricing.

Jan 2, 2011, 12:34 AM
My monthly rate plan is a whopping $208 approxtly. I just added a 3rd line, and upped my minutes from 700 to 1400.

So according to what your telling me I can upgrade in 3 months? $20 upgrade fee + probably $200 2yr pricing. Am I understanding this correctly?

But if I wait until November there will be no upgrade fee, correct?

Jan 2, 2011, 12:43 AM
The issue here is you added up your lines to get to $208/mo. Remember that carriers see your lines independently. So your primary line, at 1400 minutes, is either $80/mo (without unlimited text) or $110/mo (with unlimited text). Your secondary lines are $9.99/mo. As I said in the first response, lines over $49.99/mo can upgrade at a year. So your primary line can upgrade at the year mark, while your secondaries cannot. And you can't include features like data plans in this. It's not how they do it.

So from what you're telling me, your primary line will be able to upgrade in three months with the $20 upgrade fee on top of the discounted 2-year pricing.

November, if you stay on the 1400 minute plan until then, will get you a $50 N...

Jan 2, 2011, 8:25 AM
$208.00 for 3 lines...sorry but that is almost my car payment!

Jan 2, 2011, 10:28 AM
Well what kind of cheap ass car do you own! 🤣 Try 600 for a bad ass Super Duty!

Jan 2, 2011, 11:34 PM
epik said:
If you're a single line or family share primary line over $49.99/mo (not including add-ons and taxes), then you can upgrade annually OR at 20 months. Annually, you upgrade with the two-year pricing plus a $20 early upgrade fee. At 20 months you get the two year price, no upgrade fee, and either a $30 or $50 discount (because you signed in March 2010, which discount you get depends on how much your price plan is).

If you're a secondary line, your only discounted upgrade is at 20 months, with no extra discount on top of the two year pricing.

Can this early upgrade of the Primary Line with two year pricing plus a $20 early upgrade fee be premitted to a Broadband Device/Service for a Laptop or ...

Jan 2, 2011, 11:51 PM
If you have an eligible early upgrade on your primary line, you can do an alternate upgrade for an existing broadband line. If you don't already have a broadband line, you cannot use the upgrade to start one.

Jan 3, 2011, 5:53 AM
And why would you want to use it to start one. If you started a new broadband line you'd get 2 year discounted pricing anyway. Also keep in mind that if you already have a broadband line they also get annual upgrades.

Jan 3, 2011, 3:29 PM
From time to time, I get people trying to do this. I can see their immediate logic: if a device has a $50 or $100 price on the shelf, and I have a $50 credit on my primary line, the device will be free or $50 if I use the upgrade.

The problem was, doing this managed to royally screw up your account. If you were the primary, then you'd have to change your line to an air card just to ring up the device. This means you'd have to chose a secondary line as a new primary. Doing this mid-month meant quite a bit of proration, both in cost and in minutes, and brought the potential for wild overages into account. On top of that, you have a contract on your primary and (hopefully) no contract on the air card, though many a sales rep have accide...

Jan 3, 2011, 2:28 PM
Thank you! I fully understand your explanation. And I appreciate the claification.

Jan 3, 2011, 3:30 PM
Glad to help. Just curious, did you already have an air card line, or were you looking to add one?

Jan 3, 2011, 7:14 PM
Thanks. I do appreciate the help.
No, I did not have a Broadband Card/Line. I have a four phone Family Plan and with one of those four lines hardly used, I thought I would make sure I did not miss anything.
Your assistance confirm to me that I will need to add the Broadband Line without any upgrade help. This has been done. Thanks again.

Jan 3, 2011, 9:19 PM
Again, glad to be helpful.

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