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Blackberry Bold 9650 vs. HTC Incredible


Apr 20, 2010, 11:34 AM
It will be interesting to see how people decide between these two phones, which are both due to be released soon. I also wonder how the new Blackberry operating system 6.0 will work with a phone having a qwerty keyboard, as opposed to a touch screen Blackberry.

Apr 20, 2010, 11:45 AM
With RIM selling 10 million cell phones a quarter, it's a no-brainer that more people will choose Blackberry.

May the berry be with you.

Apr 20, 2010, 11:49 AM
Android is a much younger and upcoming Platform for the Mobile Industry and Market as a whole.

Point being: Things can change in a hurry when the average consumer wants bigger and better things. That said, the BB Storm 2, as an example, does nothing to compete with the Android Platform, no matter which Droid Phone Model you insert into the discussion here. Will the 9650 change that? Does it offer any more innovations to make it competitive enough? Enough said! 😎

Apr 20, 2010, 12:06 PM
Enough said? You said nothing! Another slow day in the Sprint forum eh? Maybe you would love to tell us all again how Hyundai cars used to suck, and even though sprint sucks today they can be like Hyundai and make a come back! 🤣

Apr 20, 2010, 1:15 PM
Platypus said:
Enough said? You said nothing! Another slow day in the Sprint forum eh? Maybe you would love to tell us all again how Hyundai cars used to suck, and even though sprint sucks today they can be like Hyundai and make a come back! 🤣

It's very clear to me that you blatantly missed the comparison statement I made comparing what the BB 9650 brings to the table vs. what your typical Android Phone does. You need to read this article that recently appeared on Yahoo comparing where current and previous BB users have been migrating to. It's either the iPhone or the Droid that ends up being the desired end state.

The fact that while Hyundai DID SUCK in the recent past (i.e., late 80s - late 90s)...

Apr 20, 2010, 1:29 PM
The Blackberry phones always feel dated. They get by on reliability and battery life, but I like touch-screens and massive app markets.

My point being, Androids are more fun, and make more use of that pricey data package.

- I know nothing about cars. 😁

Apr 21, 2010, 9:57 AM
again RIM's target market is more business people then anyone else

Apr 21, 2010, 10:14 AM
Otowncell said:
again RIM's target market is more business people then anyone else

On an Android (e.g., Sprint HTC Hero):

1. Quick Office and PDF Viewer Applications come preloaded.
2. Notepad and other Productivity Apps are available for download through the Android Marketplace.
3. And to top it all off, Microsoft Exchange Active Sync is supported in order to push e-mails from the Corp Outlook/Exchange to their Android Devices. Trust me on this, I'm currently using it.

If I'm not mistaken, should what I've listed here meet or exceed the basic needs of a Business Mobile Device user? I know I probably did not miss anything. (Sidebar: I don't see a Business Mobile User doing a PowerPoint or a...

Apr 21, 2010, 6:56 PM
The one thing you did miss is the IT protocols offered for corporate account blackberries. Since Berry offers the options to 'firewall' their devices big businesses will always be look at berries as a better option to control what the users are going to be doing with their phones.

I use an android phone myself, and come from a berry, so i know the +'s and -'s from both sides. To the casual user who wants a toy the android is a better option than everything on the market (even better than the iphone depending on android model) but since its souce code is open ended, companies who need to keep a pretty secure leash on their employees corporate lines will always pick the berry.

Apr 20, 2010, 2:44 PM
only die hard berry fans will chose the bold (or business professionals). Go on crackberry and read some of the comments, there are a lot of people jumping ship from blackberry to the Incredible or EVO 4G. The migration will continue to rise until blackberry gets their act together and releases a truly revolutionary phone...not something that is merely evolutionary.


Apr 20, 2010, 3:47 PM
A few hundred disgruntled BB fans repeating the same crap on every news scoop just because they're sick of their phones, is not an exude of the blackberry line. The numbers don't lie Blackberry is KING IN SALES.

May the berry be with you.

I bet when you go get your incredible you'll be yearning for your BB in no time. The Android Market is not enough appeal compared to the functionality of BB.

Apr 20, 2010, 4:53 PM
The ONLY thing blackberry offers me is BBM. Android does everything just as well if not better.

Berry will always be strong because their focus is business. But the pleasure seeking crowd has been forced to look at other avenues.

I used to have over 40 people on my BBM list, not i have less than 20. Over half my buddies have left for the iphone or android. I might be next. I just want to do more with my phone, and right now, blackberry doesnt allow me to do that.

Apr 20, 2010, 5:14 PM
No Way! I keep hearing all these magical powers of Android, is it like a TIE fighter that can send me through hyperspace? Can you use it to play Jedi mind tricks if it's in your pocket? I've used the Droid in the stores, just what does it do that is so flabbergasting to you?

Apr 20, 2010, 5:34 PM
better apps, better screens, better video, better cameras, push gmail that is as fast or maybe even faster than berry, much better browsesr, widget support, multiple home screen support, 1hgz processor, more internal memory.

Enough for ya???????

Again, the only thing keeping me with blackberry is BBM. Unless youre a corporate user or just need a keyboard, then berry will always come out on top. otherwise, Android is a great option.

I have used the droid on my line for a few days and did wind up selling it, but that due more to the size than the platform. The nexus or incredible will both be fantastic phones for verizon and I cant wait to try one. The web is so bad on blackberry that I usually have my friends with iphones or andr...

Apr 20, 2010, 5:44 PM
Fair enough.

May the berry be with you.

Maybe the Storm 3 will bring you back.

Apr 20, 2010, 5:15 PM
Frankly, without having yet seen either phone, I'm leaning toward the Blackberry Bold 9650 over the HTC Incredible for the following reasons:

1. Blackberry's email functionality, especially now that it has the new BESx software. The reviews of the HTC, though, with regard to its email abilities have been good. I'll have to wait and compare once the phones are released.

2. Blackberry's reputation for reliability and a decent battery life. The HTC is an unknown quantity to me in this regard.

3. The GSM chip included in the Blackberry, which gives me the ability to use the phone overseas. This is a big factor to me.

4. I can't think of any Apps that are available on the Android platform but not on the Blackberry that I might use. T...

Apr 20, 2010, 5:21 PM
I agree the Incredible is a POS that can't hold a candle to anyone who knows how to properly use a Blackberry. I know you didn't say that 😉 This is just another I want to pretend I've an iPhone and be like everybody else crowd. Go Poke your phone then, losers! 🤣

Apr 20, 2010, 5:36 PM
saying the incredible is a POS is just ignorant. I respect a lot of smartphone platforms and they all have their place in the market. It may not be for YOU, but that doesnt make it a bad phone.

Howardk111 gave a great response on why he would choose the berry, and for his needs it sounds like a good choice.

Apr 20, 2010, 5:43 PM
😉 Well right on hope the Incredible gives you what you want in a phone.

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