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Feb 20, 2010, 8:28 AM
Just curious... I couldn't find my answer anywhere.

I know that VZW and AT&T are going LTE and Sprint is stickig with WiMax. Is anyone else going with WiMax so Sprint has a roaming partner? Or, are they alone? Even if it's a regional carrier, are any of them going WiMax?

Feb 20, 2010, 10:20 PM
More then likely they will be alone.

Feb 21, 2010, 9:15 AM
I'm reasonably certain there are some international carriers using Wi-Max. Not sure where, or how many, but as I understand it, there's a decent international presence.

I don't know what the broadcast spectrum around the world for Wi-max is. LTE has more advantage of many more carriers using it, as well as I think there are at least similar frequencies being used, so smaller, cheaper radios are involved in producing world phones.

I don't follow a lot of the regional carriers, so there's always the possibility of a few here in the US, but it won't touch the presence of LTE around the world and in the US.

Feb 21, 2010, 9:47 PM
Azeron said:


A little playing with the filters on that map will reveal that the vast majority of the WiMAX global deployments are in the 3.5 GHz spectrum band, which is absolutely terrible for signal strength and propagation. To put that in perspective, your household Wi-Fi router has better range and building penetration then a WiMAX tower (Watt for Watt).

Spectrum that high works great for directional, line-of-sight communications like, say, bouncing off a satellite with a shortwave radio. However, in a handheld environment where the user is not stationary and cannot be required to physically point their antenna in the direction of the nearest cell site, it's a major prob...

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