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New phones


Jul 26, 2009, 12:12 PM
I have the DARE and love it but i want the get newer phone. I love my ipod touch i would love the iphone but i am not an ATT person. does verizon have something like this coming out? I am willing to wait but not sure how long. i just don't wait to get phone then iphone comes out.


Jul 26, 2009, 2:25 PM
Omnia 2, Storm 2, HTC Touch Pro 2, 22222222. lol

Jul 26, 2009, 4:30 PM
Seriously? If you LOVE your Dare, why don't you just keep it for awhile? When you get a good quality phone that works, what is the rush to replace? I made a big mistake a few years back giving up a phone I loved and then bought a new one every 2 months constantly in search of the phone with ALL of the features that the old one had and I missed. (I gave it to someone, so reactivating it wasn't an option.) I finally have another "keeper" and believe me, I'm KEEPING IT. I just don't get the constant quest for the newest, greatest, especially when a lot of the time, those new great phones come loaded with issues and problems, at least initially.....just my 2 cents.

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