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what is in the future for verizon phones?


Jul 24, 2009, 3:54 AM
My contract is currently up right now but their is absolutely nothing I want to upgrade to. Verizon has definitley fallen in last place in the phones department are the best in service. Is there anything in the fall or next year similar to like the palm pre or anything? I am tired of consistent remakes of the voyager and enV. Enough with LG its getting too repetitive. BTW I do not want a blackberry because I don't want to pay the extra $20 per month. Thank you for your time 🙂

Jul 24, 2009, 7:21 AM
Phones. That's what's coming out. Not being a smart ass but its true. (Its $30.00/mo)

Well one issue is verizon DOES have alot of nice phones. Just not phones YOU want. There are lots of good phones right now. The ENV touch is awesome.




Blackberry Tour (Yes Yes The $ Thing)

Touch Pro



Storm 2 Will eventually come...

You can tell me im an ass-hole...but eh...ill get over it...

When someone can't find a phone they like its always (Insert carrier here) Has NOTHING!

Jul 24, 2009, 9:17 AM
amen to that!! There is a saying you get what you pay for!! Please people stop crying over this and that! CELL PHONES ARE A LUXURY IF YOUR NOT HAPPY CHANGE ! This does more than complaning!! If you want your carrier to change it will only happen when they lose customer base!!! When a company is getting people left and right that tells you something! IT IS THE NETWORK NOT THE PHONES!

Jul 26, 2009, 12:51 PM
If you want to see crappy phone line up come see US Cellular. anyone know when strom 2 will be coming out?


Jul 24, 2009, 10:10 AM
The palm pre also requires a data plan. We'll most likely get some Version of WebOS in time for Christmas.

Jul 24, 2009, 11:03 AM
You might be tired of EnV and Voyager remakes, but they are very popular phones with customers.

LG came out with:
(rumors of a totally new chocolate design)

So they are coming out with new designs, they are also just keeping the lines that are their best sellers, because it makes good business sense.

Phones like the Pre, blackberries, or cool feature phones will require a data plan on them. if you don't want to pay for a data plan, then you should be looking at flip phones, dumbphone touch screens

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