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rate plans


May 18, 2009, 5:30 PM
right now i have two lines on a 550 minute plan with verizon. the usage is extremely low (less than 200 minutes combined) and i'm looking to save some money on the service. i know there are cheaper rate plans with other carriers, however i have been with verizon for a long time and would rather not have to go through the hassle of changing providers. does anyone know if verizon offers a lower price plan than the 550 minute plan? thanks!

May 18, 2009, 6:28 PM
The 550 is currently the lowest family plan (barring some grandfathered plan).

You can get one with fewer minutes but the same monthly cost if you are 65+.

You're not going to find many family plans cheaper than $60 for two phones, at least not on a national network (I can't speak for local carriers)

May 18, 2009, 6:40 PM
You will pay the same no matter where you go unless you go with some local wireless service.

How much do you pay right now?

May 18, 2009, 8:19 PM
May not be a grandfather plan. The VZW loyalty plan 59.99 550 minute plan is a current plan offered as a save method. not everyone qualifies. But to answer question no, that is the lowest rate plan offered, and will be with any national carrier.

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