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BB Plans


Dec 13, 2008, 4:24 PM
I have been hearing rumors about the BB plans with ATT. I am a current USCC customer but I really would like to get a BB without the plan for the simple reason that I wont need it. I like the PDA and keyboard features. If someone could help me answer this question I would greatly appreciate it.

Dec 13, 2008, 6:33 PM
What exactly are you asking? Verizon's BB plans (these add on to a voice plan) are the Email & Web for $29.99/month for Blackberry Internet Service and then Blackberry Corp Provision for $44.99/month for use with a Blackberry Enterprise Server. And you CANNOT activate a Blackberry on Verizon without a data plan. As for AT&T I have no idea you should ask in their forum.

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