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BB on VZW without a data/BB plan?


Sep 9, 2008, 7:47 AM
Is it possible to have a Blackberry phone with VZW and NOT be on a data or BB plan? I like the adult/business look of the curve, but I really don't want the extra expense of a BB plan. I have a coworker who has a BB Pearl on AT&T and she only has a standard calling plan. She doesn't use the email function but she loves the organizer, calendar, and the other PDA features. I realize that getting a BB and not using it for email is kinda like getting a Ferrarri to drive only 45mph, but the deals that are available would allow me to get a Curve for the same price (or less) than a good "standard" phone. Is it possible? Thanks.

Sep 9, 2008, 7:53 AM
From my understanding when I have talked to rep about that month ago, all BB devices must have the data plan on Verizon, it is apparently due to the contractual agreement they have with Research In Motion(BB manufacturer). From what I have also heard is that RIM is looking to enforce this on every carrier selling BB devices, my sources might be wrong.

Sep 9, 2008, 8:08 AM
Well that sucks. ☚ī¸ I'm not surprised though. I can understand if RIM has an agreement with the carriers. If you don't have a BB plan, they wouldn't make any money. I'm dissapointed because I would use all the PDA features and I like the look. It doesn't look like it was designed for teenage girls like many of the standard phones.

Sep 9, 2008, 9:50 AM
just cut out something else in your life and get the data plan. I only use the 10 MB plan which is $25, plus I get a 20% discount.

I know you think you might not use the data functions, but trust me, they do come in handy and 20-25 bucks is not a ton of money to spend on such a great phone!

Just my two cents, good luck in your search.


Sep 9, 2008, 10:49 AM
cwcanty said:
just cut out something else in your life and get the data plan.

Start bringing your lunch to work.

Sep 9, 2008, 11:01 AM
tnt2k1 said:
cwcanty said:
just cut out something else in your life and get the data plan.

Start bringing your lunch to work.

LOL...I already do that. I just started going back to college (at 42 yrs old) and our teenage son will be starting college in 3 years. I'm looking to cut back on stuff, not make my bills higher. I drive straight to work and sit at a computer in my office all day. I really don't need mobil email. I'm sure it would come in handy once in a while, but 99.9% of the time I have no use for it.

Sep 9, 2008, 11:17 AM
If you really do not need a data plan you can always go with the smartphone that are WiFi capable, XV6800 and Samsung i760 are ones on Verizon that have this feature I believe.

Sep 9, 2008, 11:22 AM
VZWKYO said:
If you really do not need a data plan you can always go with the smartphone that are WiFi capable, XV6800 and Samsung i760 are ones on Verizon that have this feature I believe.

Hmmm...tell me more. So I could get one of these phones on a regular "family share" calling plan?

Sep 9, 2008, 11:44 AM
If I am not mistaken, you can select pay per KB option instead of the data plan. If you use the web or email and you are not connected to WiFi then you will get charges. Though you might need to try using their web chat or call customer care, or one of the kind reps that visit these forums can answer that for us. I only have enV2 my friend so my data charges for MobileWeb is $1.99 per megabyte. I do not know how it is priced for smartphones.

Sep 9, 2008, 12:30 PM
The difference is cost...the Blackberry's are cheaper due to subsidy paid by data package...other smart phones have a much higher cost, usually about $200 more initial cost but do not require data plan...that's the long & short of it

Sep 9, 2008, 6:01 PM
Yup. The salesperson won't like you because they apparently make money off the data plans, but you can do it. At least you could 2 months ago....you can even block data if you choose and then you don't even have to worry about pay as you go...

Sep 11, 2008, 9:18 AM
If you go with the pay per KB option on a smart phone you will be paying $0.015 per KB that sums up to $15.36 per MB. Now anyone knows that one email, certain websites, or even small amounts of browsing can rack up a lot of MB.

Let me be honest. Yes data plans look costly, but using data without them will be even more costly. Think about the person who goes on a 450 min plan even though they know darn well they use 700 min per month. They save a measly $20 to spend $67.5. My point is that 1% of time that you are going to use the web can and will cost you more that $29.99 for all you can eat.


Sep 13, 2008, 9:24 AM
I highly recommend this, given your needs. I have a Samsung i760, which is a Windows Mobile device. It has WiFi, so you can connect to internet when you're near a transmitter. This allows you to do data-related things you may want to do regularly, but don't need to do constantly, such as download new applications, sync your calendar with Google, etc. I have installed other applications, as well, including a better calculator, a different e-mail client, backup software.

My wife also has a smart phone, which she uses primarily for its calendar that can be synced to the computer.

We have them both on our family plan, with no data at all.

One benefit you get with most pda phones is that you don't get the limits that Verizon puts on ...

Sep 9, 2008, 5:59 PM
I hear you. I wish the manufacturers of these phones would realize there is a REAL market for PDA phones with full qwertys WITHOUT the internet. But all they focus on is "money" and how much they can make if you have a data plan. I had a BB Pearl and never used the data. It was a waste of money and more phone than I needed. My daughter is in college and has a Centro (with data blocked, so no accidental charges...) and she loves it for the calendars/reminders and texting. And yes, we're on a family share plan.

Sep 13, 2008, 8:06 AM
would be to get a different pda, sat an htc 6800 or even a palm/treo. the only phone data is absolutely required on is the bb's

hope this helps 🙂

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