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8940 vs. 890


Feb 3, 2005, 12:02 PM
On Tuesday, I purchased the 8940 because of its compactness and features (esp. speakerphone). I noticed two major problems with the phone.

First, the reception was significantly worse than expected. I carried the phone along with the Motorola V710, and found the 710 found signal and received calls consistently in marginal areas where the 8940 did not.

Further, in marginal reception areas, the 8940 as expected would switch to "extended network." When I returned to normal reception areas (4-5 bars of signal strength), the phone remained in extended network mode, but would not receive incoming calls. A caller would get 5 rings and then be diverted to voice mail.

These problems persisted despite my exchanging the original 8940 for a new...

Feb 3, 2005, 1:51 PM
Thank you for that RF review. I truly appreciate that you didn't say something like:
"Verizon Wireless has dissapointed all their customers again, the transference of pictures from the memory card to my pc is locked and now I must pay $.25 to send that pic. Verizon Wireless is crap crap crap."

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