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Verizon Phones


Jan 6, 2005, 3:37 PM
Ok, I have Verizon, and the service is spectacular, BUT the phoes are horrible and no compareson to other carriers phones (ie sony errison/nokia). Does any one have a clue to when their phones are going to step it up and start incorpertating some cool trendy models. What I hate about Verizon phoes: 1) they are all big 2) they are all chucky and dont fit comfotable in pockets 3) my friend has a new sony erricson and the game graphics are comparable to xbox or play station, verizon cant compare,
4) all phoes look alike
- I just dont get it, why wont they pick of Nokia or some better looking phones. ITs to the point that I hate there phones so much, i may swith carriers to get a cooler phone.

Can someone please tell me that veriz...

Jan 6, 2005, 3:40 PM
Some folks value the ability to make and hold a strong voice connection to be most important. That's probably Verizon's highest priority.

Jan 6, 2005, 4:03 PM
I disagree. If other carriers are able to support their service as well as offer a wide selection of phones Verizon should have no problem doing the same. I'm suspecting it has to do with a combination of politics and money. Bigger companies have better buying power which results in a better selection of phones.

Jan 6, 2005, 6:36 PM
Tebor0 said:
I disagree. If other carriers are able to support their service as well as offer a wide selection of phones Verizon should have no problem doing the same. I'm suspecting it has to do with a combination of politics and money. Bigger companies have better buying power which results in a better selection of phones.

I think Verizon should just offer one or two basic phones, like a V60.

They can't seem to commit to the new features that high tech users need, like Bluetooth and data connectivity between other devices.

You buy an IBM laptop or an Acura car, and those dealers are basically saying to use all of the features - "All major carriers support the device except Verizon".

What a sham...

Jan 6, 2005, 5:50 PM
I agree with saladinr. I left Verizon for the same reason. Cingular works everywhere Verizon worked for me, so I took advantage of a better phone selection, rollover, and the 7pm nights option.

Verizon has good service, but their phone selection is comparable to comparing electronics at Kmart (aka Verizon) and Circuit City (aka Cingular).

Jan 6, 2005, 6:58 PM
cdma phones are more expensive to produce than their gsm counterparts the technology is different and gsm tech costs less than cdma tech therefore they can offer more features in the gsm phones over cdma if you like all the frilly things in life and want people to notice your celly go to cingular if you just want want good service and dont care how cute special whatever your phone is go verizon

Jan 6, 2005, 7:24 PM
bmore said:
cdma phones are more expensive to produce than their gsm counterparts the technology is different and gsm tech costs less than cdma tech therefore they can offer more features in the gsm phones over cdma if you like all the frilly things in life and want people to notice your celly go to cingular if you just want want good service and dont care how cute special whatever your phone is go verizon

Does that explain why the Bluetooth doesn't work on the V710, like it does on all of the GSM phones?

Or was that feature intentionally disabled?

Jan 6, 2005, 10:30 PM
yeah i dont know whats up with it i do know that it sucks but it is the FIRST with bluetooth for vzw so it can only get better they already are preparing its replacement

Jan 6, 2005, 8:15 PM
bmore said:
cdma phones are more expensive to produce than their gsm counterparts the technology is different and gsm tech costs less than cdma tech therefore they can offer more features in the gsm phones over cdma if you like all the frilly things in life and want people to notice your celly go to cingular if you just want want good service and dont care how cute special whatever your phone is go verizon

Then there should be a huge difference in price on, say a Treo 600 offered by VZ vs. Cingular. (A unit sold by both providers. Price diff, about 50 bucks) Or on the low end, the Nokia 6015i, 3120, or 6010 are all pretty similar and either carrier will give you one free. I'm not picking a fight here but y...

Jan 11, 2005, 3:12 PM
extremedave said:
bmore said:
cdma phones are more expensive to produce than their gsm counterparts the technology is different and gsm tech costs less than cdma tech therefore they can offer more features in the gsm phones over cdma if you like all the frilly things in life and want people to notice your celly go to cingular if you just want want good service and dont care how cute special whatever your phone is go verizon

Then there should be a huge difference in price on, say a Treo 600 offered by VZ vs. Cingular. (A unit sold by both providers. Price diff, about 50 bucks) Or on the low end, the Nokia 6015i, 3120, or 6010 are all pretty similar and either carrier will give you one fr

Jan 6, 2005, 8:05 PM
saladinr said:
I have Verizon, and the service is spectacular, BUT the phoes are horrible...
...Can someone please tell me that verizon is comming out with some cool models in the comming months...please!!!

Don't cry lil' buddy. And you don't have to switch carriers and sacrifice coverage & service that works great for you to get a cooler phone. A number of new Verizon phones are either to be released shortly or got announced for Verizon this week at the Consumer Electronic Show in Vegas. Such as the

LG VX-8000
LG VX-8100
Samsung A890
Motorola E815
Nokia 6235i & 6255i?

and others I'm sure I'm unaware of.

Most of the above phones are 3G and seem to have more features than you can shake a...

Jan 6, 2005, 10:36 PM
exactly and they will have all the whistles n bells youd expect to find on any gsm carriers phones my man

Jan 11, 2005, 7:37 PM
BetterthanJake, I would like to inform you that what may be a source of amusement for you might actually be a real headache for others. I also am disappointed in the phones offered by Verizon. I have an old phone. I am not one that is just look to tote around a cool phone. I would just like to be able to purchase a phone with features that haven't been released on every other phone released by Verizon. I am with Verizon because of the service and I do not want to switch but do need a new phone as I said my phone is old and not working the best anymore. On top of this info it's not like you are actually being of any benefit to answer the question. When is Verizon going to release the phones mentioned? Can you answer that with your infinite wi...

Jan 12, 2005, 12:22 PM
Wow... 😲 I didn't think the message you're replying too was offensive at all - especially when compared to other posts on this forum. I thought the Don't cry buddy was just a little elbow-nudging humor and I wouldn't have been offended by it. Not to mention he did note several phone models that are coming out so I found that it did give some information.

Jan 13, 2005, 3:19 PM
I’m another Verizon subscriber that would like a better phone. First, I don’t contest Verizon’s superiority when it comes to coverage and service. I have nothing but praise for Verizon with regard to those aspects. However, every “new” phone release by Verizon seems to simply enhance the features that already exist in their current phones. They all look exactly the same. For example, now stereo sound has been added to the VX-8000. Big deal, am I’m really going to replace my stereo with this cell phone? And what does this stereo sound allow me to do that earlier phones couldn’t? What these “new” releases lack are actual novel features, and I’m not referring to features such as an improved video camera, or higher megapixel still came...

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