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Upgrade Advice


Nov 25, 2007, 11:53 PM
Hi.. I posted this in General. But it probably should go here. sorry for the double post

I am on VZW. I have an LG VX8300. I have loved this phone since day 1. Previous I had 2 or 3 LG's really liked them ALL. All have been bullet-proof.

My 8300 is beat Up, but working fine, But I am up for new after two. Figure I'll get something new. I cant figure out what to pick. I read a review about the lg vx8350, it said the phone was not so great. I have heard that the plastic they (LG) use now feels cheap.

I need a Clamshell with speaker phone, Front LCD, nice quality and sound, very very reliable. I have not had a moto in a very long time, I remember I hated them back in the day. I have been really impressed w/ LG but fear they might be ...

Nov 26, 2007, 4:32 PM
right now you can get the Samsung U740 for 79.99. I just got it... I had the 8300 also and i loved that. But the quality and better life on this phone is seriously amazing!

I Recommend the U740

Nov 27, 2007, 11:24 PM
I got the 8350 (3 of them) granted they were free, but, I love it and the wife loves her's. We upgraded from 8100s and all the 8300s were gone when we were eligable. All the important stuff is better IMHO, reception, battery life, call quality. And VZW is almost giving them away. I know there has been a lot of slack about the plastic feel, but I use a phone, not feel it. It works great.

Nov 28, 2007, 10:33 AM
how did you get them for free. here in the ny area, they are $50 after rebate. no buy one get on free deals yet

Nov 27, 2007, 11:30 PM
I would go with either the VX8350, the VX8550 (Chocolate), or the Samsung u740.

Stay away from Moto, they have not made a good phone since the e815

Nov 28, 2007, 1:05 AM
MidnightDT said:
I would go with either the VX8350, the VX8550 (Chocolate), or the Samsung u740.

Stay away from Moto, they have not made a good phone since the StarTac

Nov 30, 2007, 6:57 AM
MidnightDT said:
I would go with either the VX8350, the VX8550 (Chocolate), or the Samsung u740.

Stay away from Moto, they have not made a good phone since the e815


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