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A Question about Back Up Assistant


Nov 6, 2007, 9:30 PM
I have a question when you purchase a new phone and download GIN BA does it save everything as is or only the name and phone number of a contact. For example I am asking like if I saved an email address or even a street address for my contacts along with its speed dial number does all of that info get transfered along to the new phone. Thanks alot everyone for your help. 😕

Nov 6, 2007, 10:05 PM
davidkaplan1 said:
I have a question when you purchase a new phone and download GIN BA does it save everything as is or only the name and phone number of a contact. For example I am asking like if I saved an email address or even a street address for my contacts along with its speed dial number does all of that info get transfered along to the new phone. Thanks alot everyone for your help. 😕
If you have successfully backed up that info and it is viewable on the VZW "My Account" web site then you will receive that info on your new phone.

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