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Verizon Outgoing Mail Address?


Nov 6, 2007, 11:27 AM
Not really sure if this is the place to be posting this question, but hopefully there are some tech people that can help me.

I have the Motorola Q9m with windows mobile 6.0. Long story short, one of the email's I have set up can receive messages effortlessly however according to IT, you need to specify your own outgoing mail server. For example if the incoming mail server was mail.yourdomain.com it would not work for the outgoing mail option (for some reason the mail server does not support this)

So the question is, does verizon have an outgoing mail server address that I can use to specify as the outgoing mail server?

I apologize for the confusion of this, its just that I leave on a trip tomorrow and I need to be able to recei...

Nov 6, 2007, 11:34 AM
When it comes to email, Verizon merely transports the messages to your phone they do not act as the server for your emails. You need the setting for the outbound server that you are trying to send messages through.

If this is your inbound mail server:


Then this should be your outbound mail server


This is a PoP3 setting, but it is the most general and should apply.

If worse comes to worse, get on the phone with tech support and have them talk you through the setup for your wireless sync email. Hope this helps! 😁

Nov 6, 2007, 11:43 AM
Thanks for the response.

Unfortunately for some reason the company does not allow outgoing mail to go through smtp.mydomain.com unless you are physically at the office.

Its strange, I know. But any other ideas?

Nov 6, 2007, 11:59 AM
Ok, I can get that.

Your company does it that way for legal purposes, if there is ever an audit of emails they can determine which ones were sent from within the office and those that were sent from outside of the office.

Not an uncommon way to go about things, it means that you need to have a different outbound email server than the one at work.

If you have a home email address through your Internet Service Provider, you can use that.

For example:

Comcast: smtp.comcast.net
SBC Globlal: smtp.sbcglobal.net

Or a college email address:


So on and so forth...

Nov 6, 2007, 12:08 PM
Oh Ok, I have one at home. So I can use that? Thanks so much for your help!

Nov 6, 2007, 12:11 PM
You should be able to without any issue, vzw doesn't care about who is sending or receiving the emails they are just the method of transfer for the data.

Nov 6, 2007, 2:41 PM
I tried setting it up with my rcn account and it does not work.

I also tried using the vzwmail.net and it did not work as well.

Oh well.

Thanks for your help.

Nov 6, 2007, 1:32 PM
From start to finish those details could not be more wrong!

The details posted by vzw-csr21 are 100% correct!

Bandy1080, follow the details below and you will have smtp in no time! Enjoy...

Verizon Wireless does actually have their own smtp server.

In your outgoing server settings use:


There will be box that sets my outgoing server requires authentication. Click on that.

in the username field use


in the password field it will be your

MY ACCOUNT password

This will enable you to send emails on your q9m.

Nov 6, 2007, 12:26 PM
Verizon Wireless does actually have their own smtp server.

In your outgoing server settings use:


There will be box that sets my outgoing server requires authentication. Click on that.

in the username field use


in the password field it will be your

-(MY ACCOUNT password).

This will enable you to send emails on your q9m.

Nov 6, 2007, 1:35 PM
for helping a cust with correct details! its not something seen here to often these past days!

Nov 6, 2007, 1:47 PM
Thanks, I do my best to give out accurate info all the time. Its sad how many people guess on here.

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