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Sep 7, 2007, 9:35 AM

Sep 7, 2007, 10:47 AM
Can you buy it from there or do you have to wait until it comes to the public site?

Sep 7, 2007, 10:56 AM
I ordered the 8350 today from Verizon Customer Service. It was free with my NE2.

Sep 7, 2007, 11:49 AM
you CANNOT buy from the testman site. Have to wait till it comes out on the regular site.

side note...i really don't like the phone, i think the 8300 actually has a better look to it. Just my two cents tho.

Wireless Buddy

Sep 7, 2007, 2:33 PM
Heard the 8350 has horrible build quality. Very flimsy hinge, etc.

Sep 7, 2007, 3:03 PM
yeah, im not really in the market for that phone, but based on the few pics I've seen...im not that impressed
Wireless Buddy

Sep 7, 2007, 3:06 PM
Plus it's ugly as all hell. The 8300 wasn't a sexy phone either, but this 8350 is an abomination.

Sep 7, 2007, 3:19 PM
For me, its more about the form factor. I like to put phones in my jeans key pocket, and I'm gettin' kind of tired of the 8300's antennae mast jabbing me in the side when I sit down.

So if the 8350 is just a sleeker 8300, and I get less crippled bluetooth and nicer UI themes also in the deal, I'm there.

I will keep an eye on the build quality before buying, though. Does LG have a history of making flaky hinges? I thought that was more a Samsung and Nokia thing.
Wireless Buddy

Sep 7, 2007, 3:23 PM
I don't think the 8350 will be as good as the 8300 in any respect. I would keep your 8300.

Samsung is very hit-or-miss. Normally I recommend against Samsung but my Samsung i730 is the best device ever, except for the Kaiser ;)

But yeah I had a Samsung a650 3 years ago and the hinge cracked. The phone is now in 2 pieces in my drawer. So sad since it was a decent phone that was shockingly small. Even now it's small compared to most phones.

Sep 7, 2007, 5:07 PM
Wireless Buddy said:
I don't think the 8350 will be as good as the 8300 in any respect. I would keep your 8300.

I dunno WB, you might be right. But over at HoFo, they seem to be liking the 8350. They're saying that the 8300's speakerphone buzziness is gone on the new phone, and that you can read texts on the outside screen (like the 8100). Plus, you can actually see the outside screen in bright sunlight now.

Maybe its still a POS, and we just don't know yet. I personally hate buying phones that don't have much of a track record. But unfortunately, my 30 days is up pretty soon, so I can only collect about another week of feedback and then I gotta make a choice. 👀

Sep 8, 2007, 9:14 AM
Lg's hinges are usually pretty solid. The only one that was bad was the lg510, but that hasn't been out for 4 years or so.

Sep 8, 2007, 11:56 AM
duckbutter said:
Lg's hinges are usually pretty solid. The only one that was bad was the lg510, but that hasn't been out for 4 years or so.

Makes me feel better. I think I'm leanin' towards getting an 8350.

Sep 8, 2007, 12:19 AM
cwcanty said:
you CANNOT buy from the testman site. Have to wait till it comes out on the regular site.

side note...i really don't like the phone, i think the 8300 actually has a better look to it. Just my two cents tho.


You are right, it looks like a cheat toy phone; hope it work better than it looks.
barry waggener

Sep 9, 2007, 3:52 PM
I've owned the lg 8700 and now the 8350 and like the 8350 better. I think the phone looks much better in person then looking at it via a photo. The only thing I liked better on the 8700 was the screen res. It was better but not a deal breaker.

Sep 11, 2007, 3:45 PM
I bought 2 of the VX8350 on Saturday. A local Verizon store was offering them for $50 with a $50 Verizon rebate, so they are FREE after rebate! So far I really like this phone. The call quality is excellent! The reception is comparable to my previous phone, the VX3200, which was really excellent. The VX8350 has a great camera (1280x960) with brightness control and zoom, but no flash (it has a night mode though). I haven't tried the music player yet.

Sep 11, 2007, 3:52 PM
gary3612 said:
I bought 2 of the VX8350 on Saturday. A local Verizon store was offering them for $50 with a $50 Verizon rebate, so they are FREE after rebate! So far I really like this phone. The call quality is excellent! The reception is comparable to my previous phone, the VX3200, which was really excellent. The VX8350 has a great camera (1280x960) with brightness control and zoom, but no flash (it has a night mode though). I haven't tried the music player yet.

What did you think of the speakerphone?

Sep 12, 2007, 9:39 AM
were is this verizon store? here in ny i can't find anyone who carries then never mind selling them for $50? on the testman site they were going for $179 - $50 mir from what i recall.

Sep 7, 2007, 5:24 PM
Yeah, its up for reals now.

$129 w/a 2-yr contract, $79 after online discount.

I think that's like the fifth VZW phone to be released in the past three weeks. The phone drought appears to be comin' to an end. 😎

Sep 11, 2007, 4:41 PM
Bought 8350 at local Verizon store on 9/8. Went to look at V9 for 2yr upgrade. Store had both, but price on V9 was high and the 8350 won out.
The 8350 feels solid, no hinge issues. Screen, camera, speaker, controls exceed my needs.

Sep 11, 2007, 9:24 PM
How about the battery life on this one? The 8300 was fantastic in that respect as well as reception. What have you experienced?

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