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Low Signal Quality / Dropped Calls


Jul 11, 2007, 12:10 AM
Hi everyone,
One of my friends has a Razr and another has a chocolate (8500). Their apartment does have low signal, but both of their phones constantly drop calls. One of them (with the Razr) wants to leave VZW because she thinks that VZW sucks compared to T-Mobile (based on previous use). (Based on my own personal usage, that's totally ridiculous). She said she was on the phone with VZW CS for an hour and they've never been able to fix the problem. However, when she got the phone about a year ago, everything was fine. It's just that now all of a sudden (perhaps since the beginning of the year), all these signal problems have been happening. I kinda feel bad because I got both of them to switch and now there are so many problems. Bu...

Jul 11, 2007, 1:37 AM
It is not unlikely that something has changed recently. Perhaps a new building went up or something electrical has changed. As is evidenced by both their phones and your phone, it is with the apartment itself and not the network. If their phones work fine everywhere but there and all phones show a low signal strength, then nothing can be done. There is no way to boost a signal. The best that they can do is stay put when they connect a call. If they are walkers when talking, they will likely loose the signal. They should also stay away from large electronic devices which can interfere with the signal. Other than that, I am sorry, something in their nearby environment is disrupting the signal. This is why the contract has to state that signal ...

Jul 11, 2007, 10:17 PM
There are external antennas, usually you can find them at truck stops or computer store. I know Sprint is going to have an accessory that will boost a signal strength indoors. I saw this in phonescoop's news.

Jul 11, 2007, 10:58 AM
Well first off, I'm not surprised to hear that the RAZR and Chocolate are having issues. The RAZR just plain sucks for call quality unless you have 100% full signal at all times you are using your phone. The Chocolate I had for a whole 4 days dropped calls left and right with full or low signal...got the enV..no problems!

How long has it been since your friends have run a PRL update? Have them dial *228, option 2 to re-program their phone. Be sure they do a power cycle afterwards to ensure proper equipment reset with the updated information (some phones do this automatically, some don't).

Check the system settings - Under the phones call/network/system settings, be sure they have the phones set on Automatic B. Not Auto A, or Hom...

Jul 11, 2007, 11:19 AM
Much appreciated that you are trying to help, but *228 only loads the preferred ROAMING list. It does not help with VZW towers at all.

In addition, if any of the settings you just listed were incorrect in the phone, then the users would not be able to use their phones at all, not just in one place.

Finally, if all phones are having trouble in this area, it is not the phones, it is the signal. EV is for data transfer and will not affect voice calls.

Jul 11, 2007, 1:10 PM
someone said:
Much appreciated that you are trying to help, but *228 only loads the preferred ROAMING list. It does not help with VZW towers at all.

If *228 doesn't have anything to do with helping service with the VZW towers, then what's the point? 🙄

And, I have seen some service issues in the area that I sell that when EV is turned on it affects voice calls, not only Data... I'm not talking out of my @$$ I'm talking from experience. And our account manager said that it is known within the tech department that turning on EV can affect 1x voice calls if you're on the border of coverage.

And, no.... If the customer's phone was set on home only, it would work in some areas not all. Dep...

Jul 11, 2007, 1:58 PM
Well.. it's Miss *228... and as a trained switch technician who is certainly not talking out of her a$$, as I mentioned earlier, it updates the preferred roaming list. This tells the phone what it's PRL or preferred roaming list is so that it knows which towers within the extended network it may use as it's home area. This is ALL option 2 does. Option #1 also programs the MDN/MIN and SID in addition to adding the PRL.

When people mistakenly believe *228 helped is because the phone was power cycled and was reinitialized on the towers. In addition, a hard reset will release short term memory thereby resetting the phone.

As I indicated earlier, if all phones are having the same trouble in the same place, there is nothing wrong with the ...

Jul 11, 2007, 2:39 PM
someone said:
Well.. it's Miss *228... and as a trained switch technician who is certainly not talking out of her a$$, as I mentioned earlier, it updates the preferred roaming list. This tells the phone what it's PRL or preferred roaming list is so that it knows which towers within the extended network it may use as it's home area. This is ALL option 2 does. Option #1 also programs the MDN/MIN and SID in addition to adding the PRL.

When people mistakenly believe *228 helped is because the phone was power cycled and was reinitialized on the towers. In addition, a hard reset will release short term memory thereby resetting the phone.

As I indicated earlier, if all phones are having the same trouble in the same place

Jul 11, 2007, 2:41 PM
someone said:
This tells the phone what it's PRL or preferred roaming list is so that it knows which towers within the extended network it may use as it's home area.

Thank you for clearing that up.......because my main argument here was before when you said that *228 has nothing to do with the towers.

And you're right, I am sales. But unfortunately, there are so many incapable tech's out there, that we kind of have to take it upon ourselves to keep OUR customers happy and do what we can to try to help. And I'm not trying to insult your abilities at your job, you are probably very good at it. It's just sad that the sales reps who aren't trained for tech purposes can seem to do more troubleshooting t...

Jul 11, 2007, 2:53 PM
cilvzwagent said:
Thank you for clearing that up.......because my main argument here was before when you said that *228 has nothing to do with the towers.

Actually, she didn't quite say that. She said it had nothing to do with VZW towers. Obviously, the PRL (Preferred Roaming List) has to do with roaming on other carriers' towers, not VZW's. How do you roam when you're on your own native network?

Your other points about how some techs don't have it together are well taken, however. I'm sure it happens. Though I have yet to run into a bad VZW tech yet myself.

Jul 11, 2007, 11:01 AM
Have them get a phone with an external antenna

Jul 11, 2007, 2:14 PM
if the phones are still under the 1 year warrenty, take them to a tech in a verizon store and tell them that you constantly get droped calls. if they can't find anything wrong, they should replace the phone. if the replacement needs to be done more then 3 times, you are elligible for a different phone on the same lever as the current phone as determined by a list from the tech.
overall verizon has great service in the us. in some areas like were i live in riverdale ny, att and tmobile are better.
because your friends don't have a home phone, they might be better of with another provider is verizon doesn't fix the situation. this is clearly an issue with vz since the phones worked properly a year ago.

Jul 11, 2007, 6:49 PM
I have had good luck with the Razr V3m, and like that it has 'sidetone' like a land line. I had 45 hrs on a new V3m and all of a sudden had problems making and recieving calls. I knew it was the phone. I called Tech support, talked with a technician, who re-activated my old phone in the switch and noted the account that HE determined the phone was defective and would the store please replace it. I went to the local store and didn't get jacked around as I have before.
I have 630 Hrs on the replacement (new) phone and it works very well in low signal areas. It may not show many or even any bars, but calls are crystal clear and only drop where there the network can't do a hand off. (And drops with an E815 I have).
I'd get it swapped out.

Jul 11, 2007, 9:12 PM
Ok Great!
Thank you all for your help. I'll try those suggestions to see if they work!

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