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Price Increase


Apr 9, 2005, 4:42 PM
The phone Prices went up for uscc. I was on the website lookin to see if there was any new easyedg stuff for the V710 and instead i went to the phonee and the Prices went up by about 30 dollars. Go check it out ur self.


Apr 9, 2005, 4:55 PM
That's because they aren't showing the $30 rebate on there... maybe they aren't being offered anymore on the website. In which case just come into the store because they are the same price there as they were a week ago

Apr 10, 2005, 1:00 AM
Also, it appears that the camera phones have increased by $20 because they have on the front end. 😈 We are now offering a $50 rebate as compared to our previous $30 rebate, which actually makes the end result the same price. 😉

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