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Local usage vs Extended Home Service


Apr 8, 2005, 10:39 PM
I'm having a problem understanding the way local usage and extended home calling is defined. I currently have the 650 regional plan w/3000 regional N/W mins with local call me mins. I use my phone over 95% of the time within USCC network or at least my phone tells me I'm not roaming as well as the map depicts my area as local coverage. Now, here's the confusion on my part. Local coverage should be local usage and not extended home service, right? However, my bill reads 95% calls made/received in extended home calling area and 5% local, so that makes my local call me mins useless. The only explanation that I can figure is that I don't live within the same city as my wireless number, but my area code is the same and it's a local call for me. ...

Apr 9, 2005, 9:59 AM
That is exactly what's up- your 'local' calling area is the market where your telephone number came from. For example, I have a Madison phone number, so the Madison market is my local calling area. Let's say I go to Milwaukee, or Chicago. Since those are different USCC markets, they are considered 'extended home calling area' and are marked differently on your bill, even though they are still part of your actual home network calling area.

And on your second note, I completely disagree. While LG does make some phones that we have issues with, overall they are great. I've had 3 different models over the past few years and they've all worked perfectly for me. 🙂

Apr 9, 2005, 11:01 AM
The LG thing from sprint I have heard before. Lots of customers yell about there LG from there. I really believe that Sprint and LG do not mix well. Sort of like Nokia and USCC. One cool thing with LG is that if you have a warranty problem, you will get a new phone back. I do love that. For the plan, make it easy and watch your map. You min work any were in the green. You Feature minutes, like "Call Me" or "Night and Weekend" all work in the lined area. Or, look at the local plan. Its the same area.

Apr 9, 2005, 3:49 PM
fullwinter said:
For the plan, make it easy and watch your map. You min work any were in the green. You Feature minutes, like "Call Me" or "Night and Weekend" all work in the lined area. Or, look at the local plan. Its the same area.

If you are truly paying for Regional Nights/Weekends, these too will work in any of your Regional area, not just the local section; but if you just have the Local nights/weekends, those come from the local area only (same thing with the "call me" minutes"

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