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Help finding a phone


Feb 23, 2009, 8:50 AM

I have been a USCC customer for more than 8 years and I've been extremely happy with the service and support.

My last contract expired almost 2 years ago and I've been hesitating on getting a new phone because of the (lack of) choices. I have a Nokia 6235I (which I love) and have not been too thrilled with the phone selection that USCC has to offer. I've read the threads regarding Nokia phones and still wish that USCC would offer Nokia models but I realize there are issues (testing) that need to be resolved before anything like that happens.

I tried out a bunch of phones in the store (Rumor, Hint, etc.) but wasn't too thrilled. I liked the Delve but again they want to force the data plan on me (which I don't want or need r...

Feb 23, 2009, 9:06 AM
Getting a smartphone without data is quite dumb. The whole purpose of them is that they allow you to get email, internet surfing, and tethering. Take out the data and boom you have yourself a hint. 👀

Feb 23, 2009, 9:11 AM
I disagree. Having a phone without a data plan is not necessarily "dumb" as you say. I could use my PC/laptop to transfer data as well as use WiFi (which I have access to on a fairly regular basis) to surf and get data. The only difference is that I don't want to pay $25/month to use the network to get data.

I'm perfectly satisfied with only having access to data when connected to my computer or a WiFi network.

The smart phone would still have data without having the need for a data plan.

Feb 23, 2009, 2:29 PM
LMAO BOOM and you got yourself a hint.
that was great gotta love it!

Feb 23, 2009, 4:46 PM
*takes a bow*

thanks, sometimes i can be entertaining.

Mar 1, 2009, 1:28 PM
Maybe I should have been more clear in my original posting.

I was hoping to get advice on other models (perhaps some newer ones coming out) that would meet my needs rather than getting attacked for "stupid questions".

Maybe I was expecting too much from this forum. I guess anonymous posting helps to relieve some of the frustrations that some USCC reps have towards customers...

BTW, I still think that my original question was legitimate and that as a customer I should be able to purchase any phone that I want regardless of how "dumb" the reps think that decision may be to opt out of certain plans...

Feb 23, 2009, 6:25 PM
I had a friend ask me the same question about the Blackberry Curve the other day. I honestly can tell you that it would be pretty useless to get a smartphone without a data plan. Smartphones are designed to be able to work with the Internet at any time, so there won't be much there for you to do if you don't have a data plan. Regular phones on the other hand are built around preoccupying the user with things other than the Internet (but usually allow Internet through a built in browser or say easyedge). Specifically, I REALLY don't get why you'd want a Windows phone without data because the whole phone is centered around data and isn't a very consumer-friendly device anyway. I think what you should do is either pick up a nice RAZR2 or L...

Mar 1, 2009, 1:30 PM
Thanks for your reply...

I've spent a lot of time looking at what USCC has for phones and I'm not 100% thrilled with what's currently available.

I'm probably going to wait to see what newer models come out. I know that there is a lot of speculation but can someone confirm any new models that are coming out?

Also, is there a certain time of year when a majority of new phone come out or does it vary?


Mar 2, 2009, 4:53 PM
I get what your saying about the USCC selection.... not very big nor good, but it never really has been and probably won't ever be as good/big as the national carriers. I think US Cellular kind of aims more at penny-saving consumers and believes in better reception rather than better selection.... I kind of feel like you too tho... not enough choice... but regardless, you should definitely know that US Cellular releases most new phones between late spring and early to mid summer (usually like late April to sometime in July). Last year it was the Blackberry Curve, Motorola Q9c, LG Glimmer, a new color for the RAZR 2, and a new color for the ROKR, the HTC PPC 6800. Something else that I need to mention is that, around this time last year, U...

Mar 2, 2009, 5:08 PM
just a little update on what i said earlier..... i think i may have found what fits the description of this supposed Samsung flip with a QWERTY.... I don't know for sure if this is the real deal but it fits the description and is already offered by a CDMA carrier in Canada.... it is called the Samsung Cleo and it kinda looks like the LG Lotus for Sprint. Again, this is just an educated guess but the following is a link to a page with a picture, a description, and specs..... oh and of course minus the flowers if you're a guy

http://www.bell.ca/shopping/en_CA_ON.Samsung-Cleo/97 ... »

Mar 4, 2009, 9:33 AM
Thanks for your response.

I think that your suggestions are getting me closer to what I was looking for.

If it is the cleo I hope that they offer a version without the flower print. I think that people would probably look at me funny when they saw a guy with a phone covered in flowers 🙂

Mar 5, 2009, 5:18 PM
I am a USCC rep and we have 9 smartphones in testing for 2009. What they are exactly, I'm not sure, it was just said in a meeting that 9 smartphones are being tested. This doesn't mean they will pass testing, as phones have in the past, but we will be getting some new stuff. I would love it if we got some newer, hipper phones, to aim towards the younger crowd. But as it was said before, we're not really about all of that, more or less getting you the right phone, with the right funcionality. So, with that said, the samsung qwerty flip that is in testing, is being field tested by one of our technicians right now, and he loves it.

Mar 3, 2009, 7:11 PM
I'm going to try not to pile on with the rest and say your question is "dumb", but what you are saying you want, a winows-based smartphone with wi-fi and no data requirement simply is not available. If you want people to help you find an alternative solution, rather than attacking your statement, focus on what you want do be able to do with your phone, rather than ranting about the impossible. You will have to accept that no "standard" phone is going to satisfy all of your desires, so focus on what is most important to you....either bite the bullet and pay the $25 data plan or decide what you must have on your phone and find an alternative.

Mar 4, 2009, 11:55 AM
Ok, why is it that people have a hard time realizing that someone may want to use all the other features on a smart phone, they just don't care about email and internet? I played with a friend's iPhone for hours given all the games they had on it. Sure can't do that with a "non-smart" phone. And guess what.... I didn't check my email of surf the net. Sure, it would cost whatever to download the games in the first place, but then there is no need for data access after that. Why the heck would I want to pay a monthly charge for something that I don't use.

Ok, so I realize I'm using the iPhone as an example which is out of place when talking about U.S. Cellular. And, U.S. Cellular doesn't have any phones that are worth playing games on...

Mar 4, 2009, 5:28 PM
so you are saying you refuse to pay the 25 bucks and havent even tried it? it more than pays for itself once you become hooked on using when and where you want.

anyway, as it stands what you want isnt possible with us. if you want a smartphone without paying a data plan than you need to forget renewing with us and look to other carriers that match your needs more, i know of several people with att that have a blackberry with no data.

Mar 5, 2009, 1:50 PM
Yeah, I realize U.S. Cellular doesn't have any phones that do anything other than internet and email right now, I'm more making a point assuming that some year they do have some that do that.

Really it is quite simple. A cell phone company makes far more money off of charging people for data plans. Take a phone that people want and require a data plan... now you make even more money. You bank on the fact that people tend to pay extra so they can have the cool looking phone.

I currently have the easyedge just so I can get my rebate and I definitely plan on canceling it. Everything on it requires continued data useage and the GPS software wouldn't even work when we got out of the USCC home area. Spending $25 a month to check email.....

Mar 5, 2009, 5:13 PM
....and anyone who never has used one will say that, using is understanding. sure, the company makes more money on them in data but that isnt what we are talking about. we are talking about a blackberry plan, and it is required, no matter if the customer wants to pony up and pay or not.

Mar 5, 2009, 5:21 PM
not to mention, as a company, we pay almost full retail for the phones. The only way we make our money back, is with the data plan.

Mar 5, 2009, 5:28 PM
Its funny that the Kyocera NEO passes testing but a Nokia doesnt

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