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Has anyone else here been using the Linksys wireless router that Sprint is selling???


Jun 18, 2007, 3:19 AM
Has anyone else here been using the Linksys wireless router that Sprint is selling for their network? When I asked Sprint they told me that is turns 1 modem card into a Wifi access point or will allow 4 computers to connect to the network at the sametime. This would really be cool when I am at my friends house. There is only copper lines in his apartment building and the speeds are really slow. So if I brought this over to his place it would feed all of us there. And at home it will put service in all of the rooms and I could get rid of the slow Bellsouth access.
I have seen it for as cheap and $200, but I need to make sure it is worth it first. Even with four of us sharing the same card at the same time, it would be fast enough for all tha...

Jun 18, 2007, 11:45 AM
Hey i was actually able to demo one in store and brought in my laptop and so did a few other people. in my experience it is definitely worth it and i will be getting one myself

Jun 18, 2007, 12:43 PM
just get a novatel card, and make sure it works in your laptop first, and dont call sprint for support of the router.

once its activated on a windows laptop, it will be great.

Jun 18, 2007, 1:54 PM
Yes we have been using it in my store and it works great. It is alot faster then DSL and its very easy to setup. The next time I move I'm going to ditch Cox and set up one in my home 😎

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