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T-Mobile USA left out again


Jun 17, 2008, 8:22 AM
Deja vu again.

Jun 17, 2008, 10:00 AM
SE and TMo USA don't like each other.

If you want SE you need to switch to at&t ☚ī¸

Jun 17, 2008, 1:21 PM
It's rumored T-Mobile will carry SE again this year, around Q3.

Jun 17, 2008, 3:34 PM
That is great to hear but I am cautious because I feel like I heard the same thing last year and in 2006.

I for one held out as long as I could with them.

Jun 17, 2008, 5:07 PM
Well the main reason t-mobile stopped carrying SE is the T610. It was a terrible, terrible phone. It had an issue where it would actually malfunction and sometimes spark. It also had many problems with reception. It infuriated T-Mobile so they dropped SE.

Jun 17, 2008, 5:40 PM
xjittianx said:
Well the main reason t-mobile stopped carrying SE is the T610. It was a terrible, terrible phone. It had an issue where it would actually malfunction and sometimes spark. It also had many problems with reception. It infuriated T-Mobile so they dropped SE.

Yeah, but they jump and up and down with any new Samsung phones, like the Fuggly red one shown in an earlier news post.

Jun 17, 2008, 5:44 PM
atleast they aren't self-dentinating on people.

look for SE on the big phone launch in Q3.

Jun 17, 2008, 6:18 PM
If they do comeback in Q3, I'm sure none of this phones will be included.
We all know by now that Tmobile is known and is comfortable at offering low-end to mid-range phones to their customers, specially after that press release yesterday.

Jun 17, 2008, 7:13 PM
Actually that's what they are focusing this year. Their two main focuses is to luanch 3g and to revolutionize their phone line up. (finally). you'll see that start next month with the rokr e8 launch and then a huge launch in Q3 (so they say)

Jun 18, 2008, 9:31 AM
Wait, so TMo USA, the company that takes [almost] any and all phones. That seems to stockpile it's lineup with low-end phones. They have a problem with SE over a phone from many years ago and that causes them to dump the manufacturer?

Meanwhile the parent TMobile company has never not had SE as a mainstay in it's lineup?

I highly doubt this is a one-way feud as you claim but I am happy to hear more evidence to the contrary.

Also I argue with you're initial point that the T610 was a terrible phone but that a separate issue. Manufacturers make bad phones all the time but that doesn't get companies to stop carrying the manufacturer overall.

Jun 18, 2008, 1:14 PM
Of course there is much more to it than just a shoddy phone. I was around when it was going on and went through the experience. There were other factors involved as well, but the t610 was the big spark(literally). There isn't going to be any documentation of it as well, so I guess for evidence look up old reviews of the phone and see what people were saying about it.
I agree there are a lot of terrible phones out there, but when a phone literally explodes, you have a bit of an issue.

Jun 18, 2008, 9:40 PM
I guess I was luckily that it never happened to my t610 then.

Jun 18, 2008, 1:27 PM
SEs can be used on T-Mobile they just need to be unlocked.

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