Qualcomm Shipping Dual-Core 1.2GHz SnapDragon Processors
Simply Amazing Capabilities...
The headline does say that Qualcomm is -currently- shipping these chips, so likely there will be a new smartphone on the market by holiday season this year!
I can't even begin to imagine what smartphones will be capable of in 2yrs!
joocee102 said:
We won't see anything materialize on a smartphone in less than 2yrs. With that said, don't attempt to hold your breath.
What are you talking about? Its not like they are in the process of designing it. Qualcomm has designed it and are shipping it off to phone manufacturers. You can expect one of these chips the end of this year to the beginning of next year.
I really am excited for the Evo. It is a work of art. Sprint's network and CS has improved immensely. I have noticed a vast improvement from 3 years ago. And CS? Sprin...
Personally, I think all these leaps and bounds are very, very exciting!!!!!
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