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U.S. Cellular Announces Free Battery Swap Program

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May 14, 2009, 12:35 PM
Of course, everyone's hating on U.S Cellular, because why????? 👀 O BECAUSE THEY ARE ALL ABOUT THE CUSTOMERS, hmmm imagine that! 😁 Free incoming calls, txt, pic! I forgot NO other company does this for free! So hate on us some more! 😉

May 14, 2009, 1:14 PM
localagent1 said:
Of course, everyone's hating on U.S Cellular, because why????? 👀 O BECAUSE THEY ARE ALL ABOUT THE CUSTOMERS, hmmm imagine that! 😁 Free incoming calls, txt, pic! I forgot NO other company does this for free! So hate on us some more! 😉

This commercial was brought to you by localagent1 serving U.S. Cellular customers everywhere 🤣

Seriously. Any carrier is about the customers. Without them, they wouldn't be in business.
Those carriers that don't care or have forgotten them have their customers leaving them 😁

May 14, 2009, 3:37 PM
my point is, what were starting is a great thing for customers. People are complaining because batteries are so cheap, well does your company do it wouldn't you like to get them for FREE????? Or pay $30 -$50 a pop which alot of cust do!

May 15, 2009, 9:25 AM
yeah my carrier will replace my battery with a BRAND NEW one. so you don't be hatn. wow i feel ghetto now


May 14, 2009, 5:16 PM
What is U.S Cellular? Where can I find one of those stores at? Hmmmmm..... beats me.

May 15, 2009, 9:57 AM
US Cellular is a small mid-west company that sell last year phone for today high prices. By the way the DARE is the best phone ever.


May 15, 2009, 3:06 PM
I know, I was being silly. 😉 I own the DARE so I will agree with you.

May 15, 2009, 11:08 AM
don't you ever get tired of us cellular feeding people BS. the phone that the come out with that a crap so there only on the market for 3-6 months then when costumers come in with problems they are like well you signed a 2 yr agreement , but we will let you do an up grade if you give us $@&^#.

here is a list of phone that were crap but us cellular still sold

Moto Q
LG 300 (speaker going out)
Hint (out for about a week)
LG 260 (software problems)
Delve (this is a good phone but US cellular is the only company that makes you get the PRE INTERNET package)

we both know i could go on and on.
this company tried to to magic tricks. they wont fix or take responsibility for the phone but we will give you...

May 18, 2009, 5:21 PM
did no other carrier sell these phones? such as the Q that was also sold by Sprint, Verizon, & Alltel among others. As well as basically all the other phones you listed? When the hint was noticed to be problematic it was pulled, no other carrier did this & they are still being sold today. Phones do have a one year warranty & like other carriers it is sent to the manufacturer for warranty repair. I have a hard time following some of your points because they miss the facts & are gramatically incorrect.

May 19, 2009, 9:26 AM
WOW the reason the MOTO Q sucked at US cellular is because it was launched before there time no EDVO. the blackberry worked fine because they would run off at different network. the Moto hint was pulled because when you closed it it would reboot itself as well as software issues. this happen in one in every ten. here is a fact for you. US cellular was the only phone company to have problems with the hint. HIMMM they must of went through allot of testing to get all the bugs out. When the LG ux 260 was launched they have software MAJOR problems, why was this phone never pulled and re-looked at. what you excuse on the E100 and E2000 because you reason for the Moto Q and Moto hint was so good. Well everyone has to know that you work for US cell...

May 19, 2009, 10:14 AM
I would like you to list one thing i "Lied" about? You listed all examples of "junk" phones but your reason for the Q was the network speed, not the phone itself. Im not denying the fact that ALL phones have some issues, some more than others and some that could possibly be addressed better. Im simply stating you made it sound like USC was the only carrier that had these phones and they were released even though they had known problems. Relax a little, you're putting words in my mouth that I didn't say.

May 19, 2009, 11:20 AM


May 25, 2009, 10:00 PM
yeah, too bad its not NEW batteries!!!! it says will replace battery with replacements, doesn't say replace with NEW....plus with other carriers there is a one year warranty.

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