T-Mobile G1 Hands-On
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over in the "HTC G1" discussion:
get this phone on ebay???
should i get this phone or wait on something else to go down in price.
this phone is a reasonable price on ebay and my dad is switching me from verizon since my bill will go uo 10 bucks when i upgrade.
Does it come with a sim card on ebay??
no, unless the auction states comes with blank sim but they are cheap to buy anyway
over in the "HTC G1" discussion:
rant on the lack of updates--tell me what you think
reading thru the news of virtually all the other carriers announcing their plans to update their android phones to 2.1 makes me really upset. ive had the g1 since it came out and been stuck with 1.6 for what now? a year? how fair is it that phones that just came out a month ago, 3 months ago, 6 months ago get 2.1 and we, with tmobile g1 and mytouch, get screwed. i understand the g1 doesnt have that much memory but this is something they should have thought about or plan a upgrade program for ppl with the g1. i just think its unacceptable. but thats it. thats my rant. please tell me what you think!
over in the "HTC G1" discussion:
new to Android
i am a blackberry transplant does android support the type of email that comes to your phone as a message i think it is called push? email i just got a used g 1 to expose myself to android in a cheaper way before i dive in with a moto or nexus i am a T Mobile customer great service quality in Fort Worth Texas 3g
also is the awful battery life a fact with the g1 or all Android phones? i have installed app killer but still too soon to see a difference.
the android does push exactally the same as the blackberry do i use both device (also some of the code in the android is from RIM push code) i prefer the android cause you can do tons more on the device compared to the blackberry. i will admit the bat...
over in the "HTC G1" discussion:
can someone help me
can anyone tell me can u do a group and save as if u wont to send to this same group time to time if so can u let me know. and is it a way to select ppl for ur phonebook to txt without type a name or a number. if i was try to txt. HELP ME Please
log into your gmail then click on contacts and create groups there then they will appear on your phone
over in the "HTC G1" discussion:
can it support slingbox and skyfire browser ?
I have a winmo phone and am looking into getting the new moto droid by verizon, but i need to know how good is the browser on android systems, does it open up everything like the skyfire browser? and does anyone know if android supports the slingmedia for slingbox application?
window mobile got nothing over the android in features and software, i am not sure if it has that app out there but i am sure there is something comparable to it...the browser however is faster than windows mobile and got more features...
over in the "HTC G1" discussion:
buying used G1 do i still need to get the G1 data plan??? Plz reply
i am planning to buy a used G1 but i am not sure if it will work with my sim card even though it is with tmobile.... can any one help....
I'm pretty sure you must have the data plan to use the G1. Most of the apps need to access the Internet. I could be wrong but i would call customer service to make sure.
if u dont wnt tmobile data plan just get it for a week to activate the device then use only wifi to connect and disconnect or cancel ur data
over in the "HTC G1" discussion:
help me please-contacts to sim
How do you copy your cotancts from your phone to your sim card?? 🙂
why would u want to when all your contact go to your gmail account but theres an app in the market called "contact to sim" that saves your contacts to your sim card
over in the "HTC G1" discussion:
G1 Website
Is there a G1 website for people who have the phone use it and discuss applications to download and messaging boards with tips and hints?
sreest said:
Is there a G1 website for people who have the phone use it and discuss applications to download and messaging boards with tips and hints?
http://www.androidcentral.com/ » 😁
xda-developers.com as a ton of ROMS and useful info for your g1, anything you wanna know its probly found in the dream forum.
over in the "HTC G1" discussion:
got the HERO os on my android with apps2sd and swap ext4`
the hero has flash ppl and is all ready for good use.
Hero is sweet, was going to wait for the NAM version but bought a Rogers Magic( basically a mytouch with more memory) which works fine on AT&T's 3g network. And in Oct. since the Rogers version of this phone is not a google phone, they will be offeri...
over in the "HTC G1" discussion:
Bottom line, is this phone as "neat" as the iPhone?
No it is better, hardware wise and software wise it is better... much more of a solid device than the iphone
over in the "HTC G1" discussion:
Visual Voicemail coming on July 29
Visual voice mail is finally coming on the 29th. Yay!
that is already on the g1 infact tmobile ask ppl to download it to their phones... i had it for about 3 months now
Jun 24, 2009, 2:33 PM
over in the "HTC G1" discussion:
Join app test group
Hey all. I am putting together a test group and would like you to join.
The idea is - a significant number of willing testers would be available to provide app review and feedback in a meaningful format for developers. The developers get useful feedback on tech (bugs, conflicts, interface) features (requests, suggestions) and market (value, price, appeal)... so they can make their apps better. The Android community gets a quality filter and feedback mechanism.
Apps get better, Android grows. The promise of an open development environment is supported.
If you are interested in participating, send me a response with your email address so I can pool testers together and communicate in the future.
You can see my blog on this at h...
over in the "HTC G1" discussion:
How do I get my video/PICTURE messages to play
if you're using chomp:
1)press and hold on the msg saying you have an MMS and it'll pull it up into the OEM messenger,
2)tap "download" then play.
if you're using just using "messaging", just skip the 1st step and go straight to pressing DL.
this is more for anyone flipping through looking for info on the phone itself to help in determining whether or not to purchase.
now w/the cupcake, of course the the regular messenger now offers the soft keypad, I however still prefer Chomp, which no...
over in the "HTC G1" discussion:
Is it possible to default Rtones to SDcard.....
.....instead of the G1 internal memory?
I am asking this for my daughter on her G1 at this moment.... i am learning this fone at the moment also!!!
My t309 might take a backseat if i can learn this. G1 pretty quick like..... ;)
I am so slow at this new stuff, but so far so good.
over in the "HTC G1" discussion:
32 MB card?
Has anyone tried a 32 MB card in the G1? Wondering if it would work. Having to wait until end of my current contract to get a G1 of my own.
first off, i think you mean the 32gig not mb
and no the G1 will only support up to a 16g card
over in the "HTC G1" discussion:
Device memory
How much memory is on the G1 itself? How many apps (approximately) can it hold?
the g1 has 256MB 128 for os and the other for system installed apps, then that lives you about 70 or less to play with. apps are range from about 20KB to 10MB. u do the math. (that is on a unrooted phone)
rooted phone apps can be install on to an ...
over in the "HTC G1" discussion:
The official cupcake has been released
keep an eye out for it
over in the "HTC G1" discussion:
SD Card
i deleted songs off my sd card from the phone but when i mount it to the computer they are still there. i tried deleting them from the computer but they wont and it says can not be preform because of a I/O device error. it says the samething when i try to add songs too. what does this mean and how do i fix this? thanks in advance.
copy what u need off the card onto your pc then format the card as a fat32 then try again
over in the "HTC G1" discussion:
Third Party Applications
Does downloading non-market applications void your warranty? And are there any worth downloading?
not it does not, i have a few apps that are non market apps... such as tether wifi for root users, you can find it on the google project pages but it is no longer on the market.
over in the "HTC G1" discussion:
Just got mine yesterday.
I have to admit this phone is the shiznit! I have no problems so all the haters talking trash...watch out Apple. Android is coming to take your market
Dude the phone is the ugliest piece of equipment i have ever seen...absolutely awful...nobody will leave iphones good looks for this abomination.
Android is coming to take the market just not with the g1 compared to other phones and high end user this phone wont cut it. This may be the best phone for t-mobile but is not and will never be the best phone on the market id wait for the g4 or g5 mod...
Thats funny because I drop more calls with t-mobile than anyone else. Sprint has the fastest speeds and the best devices. NO one even comes close to Sprints pricing plans. Hands down best Provider. Verizon charges for everything hmmm now wants to char...
Sprint has the best phones on the market. Pro, Diamond, Treo 800w, BB curve, Centro, Mougul, Instinct, Touch, and is always ahead of the game. When it comes to media, picture mail(unlimited), Video mail(unlimited), and the best Tv live channels does t...
Cdma is way faster and has superior quality to gsm. at&t is having problems with 3g and so will t-mobile speeds will probable be slower regardless Sprint is still way faster than both and dont need sim cards.