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AT&T to Add Eco Ratings to Phones

Article Comments  8  

Feb 23, 2012, 12:15 PM   by Eric M. Zeman
updated Feb 23, 2012, 12:18 PM

Updated: shortened headline

AT&T today announced that it will offer ratings for its phones that provide consumers with a basic level of information about how ecological the product is. The eco-rating system will cover items such as materials used, energy efficiency, manufacturing processes, and end-of-life treatment for the device. Manufacturers will have to measure their devices against 15 criteria developed by AT&T for the eco-rating system. The criteria note things such as what percentage of recycled materials were used in the device's manufacture, and information on how much lead, cadmium, mercury, nickel and antimony trioxide/antimony compounds are used in the device. AT&T will then assign a score and make the ratings visible within its stores and on its web site. The idea is to provide its customers with the information they need to make decisions that suit their lifestyle. The program will launch later this year.


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Feb 23, 2012, 9:39 PM

Missing the point

As I understand the comments on this particular topic, I think the point of ATT doing this is missed. Yes, it is to inform the customers but, I believe that this has more to do with protecting themselves in the long run, should anyone claim to have some illness related to the hardware that they sell. No different than food manufacturers putting all the info on labels so people can clearly see what's in it and can't blame the companies for not informing the public of the ingredients, calories and all that other stuff we tend to not really pay attention to.

But, just like there are people who are label readers of food products, you have more than you think, who would be interested in this info. Even if they still decide to buy the product, ...
Someone understanding that just because it dosn't benefit them, dosn't mean there isnt a large population that it does. The perspective on protecting the buisness is pretty valid as well.

Feb 23, 2012, 1:31 PM


Like any customers cares or is going to pay attention to that information. Here is an idea ATT concentrate on fixing your crappy network! For the love of God I can't wait till my contract ends!
Exactly! The average (read: MAJORITY) of the customers don't care about this at all and this will not influence anything.

When I'm at the grocery store and I want ketchup, I dont care if the no-name brand is $1.00 less and comes in an Eco-Plastic ...
I understand that to most of you this point is mooch. But how can you not understand that there is people that do care....Not that I do, but I have had customers request these kind of figures. So stop trolling or being ignorant which ever the two som...
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