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No Calls, No Texting for Drivers, Votes NTSB

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Dec 13, 2011, 2:53 PM   by Eric M. Zeman

The National Transportation Safety Board has recommended to U.S. states that all drivers be banned from using cell phones to make voice calls, send text messages/emails, or surf the web while behind the wheel of a moving vehicle. The measure was voted on and approved by the NTSB. In a statement, NTSB chairman Deborah A.P. Hersman said, "No call, no text, no update is worth a human life. This is a difficult recommendation, but it’s the right recommendation and it’s time." Though the NTSB has made the recommendation, it is up to individual states to adopt and enforce the necessary laws.

New York Times »


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Dec 13, 2011, 5:05 PM

What about other distractions like...

...putting on makeup, changing clothes, reading a book/newspaper, unruly children, talking to your passengers, sexual activity, lighting up a smoke, etc...

Or other phone-related activities like playing games, maps/navigation, music, etc...?

Distractions are gonna be a part of driving; just be smart about what you do & when you do it.
All of that is already illegal!
You stated:

...putting on makeup, changing clothes, reading a book/newspaper, unruly children, talking to your passengers, sexual activity, lighting up a smoke, etc...

If you are doing that, then your vehicle is ...
"talking to your passengers" IS ALREADY ILLEGAL? REALLY?! Huh. well as long as we are outlawing everything under the sun, lets see.....how about the billboards on the side of the roads, those are distracting, street signs-you need to look at those. EY...
The vast majority of other distractions while driving are CONSISTENT. Wireless devices are not.

The knob for the radio is always in the same place and always does the same thing when you turn it clockwise.

A hamburger is roughly the same shape ...

Dec 14, 2011, 5:31 PM

Sorry... Banning is NOT the answer.

We shouldn't be doing any kind of "banning" here. The question isn't whether or not this would "save lives" because it's not about that. If saving lives was the reason for recommending this kind legislation, then things like smoking cigarettes, guns, and eating in the car would be banned as well. Statistically, eating in the car is the #1 reason for automobile accidents in America. Will they ban drive-thrus? Pretty sure McDonald's would spend billions to make sure that didn't happen. Proposing this kind of ban has only one real benefit: Additional reasons to be stopped by the authorities. In a time when Congress and the WH are going out of their ways to circumvent our civil liberties, any kind of national ban of anything raises my hackles ju...
BRAVO!!! Couldnt agree more!!!

Dec 14, 2011, 9:19 AM

I have a few comments and questions:

1. First, can anyone find the actual site that posts the statistics on the number of accidents and/or deaths??? According to the census.gov, traffic accidents and fatalities due to accidents has gone down or been flat since 1999, but the site stops reporting at 2008??? Assuming it's still flat or going down (and the number of drivers I am assuming is increasing), why do they propose such measures and on what basis???

2. I watched them on CNBC talking about with some lady from NTSB, they DON"T want to ban GPS devices, or anything that will assist the driver, they just want to ban text, tweets, and posts (lol, I know what she was getting at), but listen, I use my cell as a GPS (I have an android, and I use google maps to navigate alot, my...
they just trying to rob your money the LEGAL way!
just like speed limit, i got ticketed twice on a Saturday morning when i'm the only one on freeway! what is wrong with going a little faster?
It doesn't matter if the fatalities have gone down. What matters, is how many of these fewer fatalities/injuries are still caused by the topic at hand?

Texting and driving has surpassed drunk driving as the leading cause of accidents. Not eating Bi...

Dec 13, 2011, 5:10 PM

This is a huge step in the right direction.

I have nearly gotten in dozens of car accidents with ignorant assholes and fangirls that cant put their damn phone down. This includes a near head on collision that could have killed me. When I see people driving and using their phone, even if I am a pedestrian, I give them crap, I dont care if they confront me, I will not be victimized by an individual who is placing a call or text.

Business? Trucker? I dont care, and it doesnt matter. Your business is not worth ANY life. Your truck shipment is not worth ANY life. Stop being so ignorant and so full of yourself that anybody who tells you to get off the damn phone and drive is a mofo? Get over yourself!

Anybody who continues to text / talk on their cell phone after this law is passed...
And do you confront the gang banger with the megabillion watt amp playing music loud enough to support a super bowl crowd? Someone having a full course meal while driving, some noodnick bimbo applying eye liner and blow drying her hair, some tool rea...
You hate America? I am sorry, but calling and driving is no where near a 9/11 violation.
Funny. Because I would say that calling for this kind of ban is against the US Constitution. And anyone calling for this kind of ban hates America and everything she stands for. Freedom of choice is paramount to what makes this country great. Your arg...

Dec 14, 2011, 1:24 PM

Oh come on!

I can see "no texting", sorta (not everyone can do it appropriately). And no web surfing.

But talking on your phone? That's just like talking to a passenger. What, are passengers going to be outlawed next?
Problem is there is no common sense. I do agree with texting and surfing bans, even non hands free bans with driving. But it seems as usual, any sense of common sense is gone. Problem with America today is there is no compromise its all dogmatic.

Dec 13, 2011, 3:36 PM


Would this include using a bluetooth for voice?
from the article that I have read, it bans the use of your electronic device with or without handsfree units. I understand the concept and agree to it at a degree. Holding a phone, texting on the phone is completely a no no. Having a hands free u...

Dec 13, 2011, 5:24 PM

what a bunch of losers!

there are accidents before there is cellphone! blame people for wearing clothes that cause the accident? let' ban clothes and drive nude!
While I do agree with texting calling and texting while driving restrictions., I also think the cellphone has been the whipping boy for all distractions while driving. I see little difference between those behaviors and listening to loud music, eatin...
drive nude! oh ladies! THAT will be a distraction! 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

Dec 13, 2011, 4:35 PM

Srint has an feature that blocks this

Hyperdrive or something its called. When i called yesterday they let me know about this service. its 4.99 a month of something but blocks calls and texts (maybe web) on a phone traveling over 10 mph, so im assuming gps has to be active or present in the phone at least. Still a step in the right direction.
Why bother paying? I doubt their 2.5ghz Wimax could penetrate the glass in one's car.

Dec 13, 2011, 3:31 PM


even though it is ultimately the decision of each individual state, some will be in favor(common sense) others will not(common nonsense).
For every loser behind the wheel of a moving vehicle while talking or texting while driving, please bear in mind that you are endangering other motorists as well as yourself with an unnecessary distraction.
In the time it takes to pull over for that all-important call or text, you use common-sense, and save lives.
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