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Review: HTC Droid Incredible 2

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From my perspective, the Incredible 2 is by all rights a great phone. It performs most tasks flawlessly, and, while the phone may have lost a little of the stylistic swagger exhibited by its predecessor, it isn't quite as vanilla as the rest of the slab smartphone crowd.

Battery life is good, phone quality is OK, the hardware is decent, and it has a good mixture of applications and services on board that work well. The $199.99 starting price point isn't too painful, and that is sure to drop over time.

But it's definitely lacking mojo. Mojo in the form of 4G. Sure, 4G phones may cost a bit more out of the gate, but do you really want to be stuck with Verizon's 3G network for the next two years?

(Verizon's LTE network is only going to grow. If perhaps your market isn't covered by LTE right now and you don't see the point in picking a 4G phone, that's totally understandable.)

Aside from the lack of 4G, however, the Droid Incredible 2 makes a marked number of improvements over the original that earn it high marks from Phone Scoop. HTC has delivered a worthy successor in the Droid Incredible 2.


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