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Review: Samsung Nexus S

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Is It Your Type? Body The Three S's Touch  

Dec 17, 2010, 8:17 PM   by Philip Berne

The Samsung Nexus S offers a pure Google experience on a slick Android phone. There's no carrier apps, no interface tweaks, but is there enough to satisfy buyers?

Is It Your Type?

The Google Nexus S by Samsung offers a pure Google experience in a shell reminiscent of, but slightly more stylish than, Samsung's successful Galaxy S phones. What does pure Google mean? If you're not sure, you're probably not the target audience for this phone.


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Dec 17, 2010, 9:25 PM

ATT Version?

I guess they want to see if people will buy it before offering it compatible with other carrier's 3G bands. 😕
I thought the unlocked one would be compatible with the service.

Dec 18, 2010, 5:34 PM

Is it me--

--or are the photos for this review popping 'in' instead of 'out'?

I'm using the latest stable version of Chrome.

Great review!
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