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Review: Nokia 6682

Form Function - Basics Function - Extras Wrap-up  

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The 6682 further improves the screen Nokia debuted on the 6630. It is the same bright, sharp 176 x 208 LCD, only now it has been upgraded to 262k colors. It works very well in all lighting conditions, especially since there is a light sensor to adjust the backlight automatically. Because the screen is dimmed in darker conditions, it doesn't make a good flashlight or firefly light to attract attention in dark bars and clubs. The screen is very responsive, making it a very useful viewfinder when taking pictures or video. *


Nokia has come to be known for reliable reception and this phone lives up to Nokia's reputation - for the most part. 99% of the time the 6682 had a strong, clear signal, however like every smartphone we've ever used, there were anomalies. Every once in a while the phone would just lose all signal, even in a spot where it normally had a very strong one, and then it would be fine a minute later. There were never any problems during calls or data transfer.

it is worth noting here that the 6682 has one of the fastest EDGE implementations we've used. Data speed was incredible.


The 6682 is very loud. The default volume setting is at 4 out of 7 and you rarely will need to turn the volume up to 5. Even at 4 the ringer is still fairly loud and can be heard from a pocket in all but the noisiest of spots. When things get noisy the 6682 has an acceptably strong vibrate alert, but we would still recommend turning up the ring volume. As with ringing, in-call volume is usually loud enough at the default, which is good because adjusting the volume in call is a bit tricky. Nokia does not include volume side keys on their smartphones for some reason. To adjust the volume during a call, y the D-pad. You'll either need to reach around and feel for it or just take the phone away from your ear to adjust it.


Nokia must have worked quite diligently to improve the battery life on their smartphones. While a Series 60 phone normally lasted about 2 days on a charge as recently as last year, the 6682 easily went 4, and usually lasted 5 days on a single charge. This was even more shocking considering how often we used the camera and checked email or browsed the web during these periods. Nokia is certainly doing something right, and other smartphone manufacturers would be wise to find out what it is.

* The Screen section on this page was corrected on August 26 to clarify background info regarding the 6630.


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