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Sprint Cancels Palm Pre Promotion After Just Several Hours

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Sep 8, 2009, 1:15 PM   by Eric M. Zeman
updated Sep 8, 2009, 4:53 PM

Earlier today, Sprint made a new promotion available whereby it would give new customers who buy a Palm Pre a $100 credit towards their services. It appears that the promotion was run in mistake. Sprint issued a formal statement, which read, "After further internal review today, the offer of a port-in service credit of $100 to new customers who buy the Palm Pre has been pulled, because it was put into the system in error." Sprint said it would honor the promotion for those who took advantage of it while it ran publicly.

Reuters »
Wall Street Journal »



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Sep 9, 2009, 5:58 PM

Trust Me Guys

Sprint is coming out with something revolutionary
I work for sprint
and we'er going to start doing something that no other carrier does
it'll be announced tomorrow...
Hey!!! watch out, you know the polices, youre giving to much info, I also work over there
Tmo Slave

Sep 8, 2009, 3:51 PM


Sprint must really be hurting if they have to offer this with the Pre.
It could work. Thats a very appealing offer.
Just one of the many reasons why Sprint is the laughing stock of the wireless industry

Sep 8, 2009, 7:39 PM

Blame Palm, not Sprint

Guys,the note says:
" A Palm official said, "After further internal review today, the offer of a port-in service credit of $100 to new customers who buy the Palm Pre has been pulled, because it was put into the system in error." So the issue is with Palm , so blame Palm(Im not a Sprint fan, I only remark it because I found that it wasnt Sprint's fault)
(Im not a Sprint fan, I only remark it because I found that it wasnt Sprint's fault)

Fair enough but Sprint still sucks
I'm confused as to why a Palm official is making a statement like this when it's Sprint that is the one that actually sells the phone.

Sep 8, 2009, 6:16 PM

David Copperfield Style

Sprint just pulled the "Now you see me, Now you don't" technique! ROFL!
Was anyone smart enough to take advantage of this while it lasted? (real question)

Sep 8, 2009, 4:53 PM

Unh Oh

Pre 2 must be on the horizon...they trying to dump this phone before AT&T and Verizon get it

Sep 8, 2009, 3:23 PM


The 100 service credit.

If your plan is 69.99, you will get 1 credit of 69.99 and the next month you will get the rest, for a total of 100.00

Its not necessarily spread over three months.

Sep 8, 2009, 1:28 PM


It ends the 10th of october
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