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AT&T CEO: AT&T Will Sell the Palm Pre

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May 27, 2009, 1:20 PM   by Eric M. Zeman

Today at the All Things Digital conference, run by Walt Mossberg of the Wall Street Journal, AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson said that "he sees AT&T selling the Pre after the exclusive arrangement with Sprint expires." Sprint is the only network operator to officially announce that it will sell the forthcoming Palm Pre in the U.S. The Pre that will be available via Sprint starting June 6 uses CDMA radio technology. Palm itself has already admitted that a UMTS version is planned. Stephenson's remarks confirm that the Pre will be available on carriers other than Sprint once the exclusivity agreement runs out.



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May 28, 2009, 6:21 AM

What about Apple?...

"If" ATT has a 5 year exclusivity to the Iphone, I would think Apple would not be happy about ATT making this announcement. The Iphone helped in migrating millions to ATT's network. A carrier that made a commitment to such a coveted device, technically is backstabbing that very company that was their saving grace. What kind of a blow is that to Apple? Offering many choices is good but the Pre is a premier device and by far the closest competition Apple has seen. For ATT to announce this, is either proof that their contract is up with Apple very soon(Apple in talks with Verizon) or that they just blantly didn't think about on how Apple will assess their position with AT&T by AT&T possibly bringing Apple's competition onto the shelves. AT&T sh...
Apple has no say on what phones AT&T sells. They do have control on how AT&T sells the iPhone, and I'm sure similar deals would be made if and when Apple sells it to other carriers in the U.S.

May 28, 2009, 12:37 PM

Verizon gets it in 6 months

http://www.engadgetmobile.com/2009/05/28/verizon-wir ... »

"Oooh, Palm & Sprint will be faithful too each other forever! NO ONE WILL SELL THE PRE EXCEPT FOR SPRINT!!!"

Um... yyyyyyyyeah. ๐Ÿ™„

May 27, 2009, 3:09 PM

This is FUD!!!

How many suckers are born everyday? ATT is trying to create doubt, just like that fake Palm EOS, they want to keep as many customers as possible from switching to Sprint. I see nothing in that article which says ATT will be selling or getting the Pre. No one knows the particulars of the "alleged exclusivity" between Palm and Sprint. If it's 4 months or 6 months, Sprint can easily re-negotiate the terms. A few months ago Palm and Sprint had this to say about the exclusive period, "NO COMMENT."

Bell Canada and Europe are getting the Pre next.
Well said! I can't blame him for saying it since it's a classic CEO move, but just hope other realize what he is really doing. I do believe at some point At&t and VZW will release WebOS devices since Palm wants to make money too and get WebOS in as ...
um it's already in the works so your post has zero merit. sry ATT will have the PRE>
Remember the Centro? Exclusive to Sprint? BUT HO, WHAT'S THIS?!? It's available on Vodaphone?!?!? Then a few months later. . . which carrier ended up offering the Centro?

Put yourself in Palm's shoes: is there any reason *NOT* to sell as many ...

May 27, 2009, 2:25 PM

Oh great.

The giant that I work for gets the other phone that had a chance. So much for competition. Almost makes me want to switch.
I'm past the point of switching. This is the nail in the coffin for me and AT&T. I know they won't miss my business but for sure I will not recommend anyone to them. Honestly, do they really need the Pre? Do they fear the Pre that much? Or fear Sprint...

May 27, 2009, 2:41 PM

Sees = Will?

The comment by Randall in no way leads me to believe they "will" sell the Pre. This is no different then the VZW CEO saying he "sees" them releasing an iPhone once they are running LTE. I'm sure At&t would like to sell the Pre just like they would like to keep their exclusive deal with Apple going as long as possible. Also do we even know how long Sprint's deal is? Could be 3 months could be forever for all we know.
I agree. This is partly between manufacturers and vendors in effort to put pressure on them

Eg. VZW announces to sell LTE iPhones = force AT&T to sell more or pay more for exclusivity. Apple wants their money.

AT&T announces that it 'sees' th...

May 27, 2009, 2:29 PM

LOL classic

sprint has already done a piss poor job of advertising it, plus they're losing millions of customers, and cant sign anyone up to begine with..(other then a few boostmobile fans lol) but I'm sure it will be a BIG SELLER once the other carriers get ahold of it. sprint missed the boat again, oh wait the boat is slowing sinking anyways lol
You are such a tool.

May 27, 2009, 6:16 PM

A Short Play by sckoisks17


An AT&T fanboy before this announcement.

"The Pre is going to FAIL! Nobody wants to learn a new OS, nobody wants Palm's crappy applications... the iPhone is, and will always be, the best thing out there!"

An AT&T fanboy after this announcement.

"Awesome, the Pre will come to AT&T! This is going to blow everything out of the water - even the iPhone! I'm getting one at launch, even if I have to pay full retail!"

Thank you.

May 27, 2009, 2:24 PM

What a surprise

I am. . .

So shocked that AT&T will get this device.

Sprint's exclusivity isn't eternal? How amazing.

๐Ÿ™„ ๐Ÿ˜‰
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