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Google, TSA Testing New "ID Pass" in Wallet, Created by Scanning Passport

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Sep 12, 2024, 10:39 AM   by Rich Brome   @richbrome

Google will soon start beta testing a new type of digital ID in Google Wallet. This "ID Pass" serves the same function as a digital driver's license (mID) at TSA airport security checkpoints and potentially other places where you need to verify your identity. In this case, it's created by scanning your passport (the photo page and chip) with your phone, then scanning your face to confirm it's you. This creates an "ID Pass" that will be accepted at TSA checkpoints that already take mID. The TSA has a web site that lets you check which airports accept digital IDs before you travel. Importantly, an ID Pass is not a digital passport, and Google still recommends carrying a physical ID. Google also shared that Iowa, New Mexico, and Ohio will be the next US states to enable mID in Google Wallet.


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Sep 16, 2024, 8:57 AM


Waiting for the incoming "THe GOVErNMENT is DoInG ThIS to TRACK oUR iDENtiTy" comment

Sep 12, 2024, 2:08 PM

Wish this was supported in more airports

This is neat. I just wish the TSA would start rolling out digital ID acceptance to more airports. There are hundreds of airports in the United States, including more than 60 that handle more than 5 million passengers a year, but the TSA only accepts digital IDs in about two dozen airports.
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