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Review: BlackBerry 9650 Bold

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I was not super impressed witht he 9650's 3.2 megapixel camera. The Bold 9700, which has the same camera, performed better. Color and white balance were hit-or-miss, and clarity and detail were also inconsistent. Indoor shots exhibited occassional grain and images lacked sharpness. Outdoor shots looked much better. When on vacation this summer, you can get away with snapping photos of the Statue of Liberty, the White House, or the Golden Gate Bridge no problem. But that family picture at the dinner table? Use your point and shoot for that.



Video can be recorded at an MMS-friendly resolution/length (176 x 144), at a slightly higher resolution (480 x 360) and at longer lengths depending on what you want. Videos shot indoors were below average. Images were free of ghosting , but digital artifacts were plentiful. The video recorder had difficulty responding to drastic changes in light. It's odd that the 9650 doesn't perform as well as the 9700, but unfortunately that's the plain and simple truth.

3GPP / MPEG-4 format (viewable with QuickTime)


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