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Review: BlackBerry 9650 Bold

Form Basics Extras Wrap-Up Comments  12  

Music Camera Photos/Video Browse/Customize Extras  


The 9650 has a 3.2 megapixel camera with autofocus and flash. The software controlling it isn't changed all that much compared to other BlackBerrys. Launching the camera takes about 1.5 seconds. There isn't a dedicated camera key, but you can set one of the two app keys on the side of the 9650 to launch the camera if you wish.

The display shows the subject and there is a bar along the bottom that shows you what the camera's settings are at a glance. The volume toggle lets you zoom in and out, as does swiping up and down on the optical mouse.

I dislike that you can't change any of the settings (except zoom) directly from the viewfinder view. You have to press the BlackBerry key to open up the options list. RIM has added some more controls over the camera. In addition to white balance, picture size/quality, and autofocus, users can now also adjust image stabilization, geotagging, color effects and default behavior for the flash.

The camera focuses and snaps pictures quickly. After the picture is taken, the Bold 9650 takes about 1 second to process and save it. Then you're ready to take another shot. After you take a picture and it is saved, you have 5 immediate options to choose from. The default is to take another picture, but you can also choose to send the image (as an email or MMS), rename it, set as desktop/caller ID, or trash it. In all, usable software, but not really unique or fun.



The gallery app is accessible from the Media icon or from the camera application. In the gallery, if you hit the BlackBerry key you get a long list of options. With this list, you can basically take any action imaginable, including setting the selected image as your home screen, emailing it, renaming it, moving it and many more. After you have a picture open, hitting the BlackBerry key brings up another list of actions, including zooming in and out and some of the options of the aforementioned menu. There may not be advanced editing capabilities, but you can send picture files just about anywhere via multiple methods.

You can view the gallery in a grid or a list. With pictures open, you can scroll from side to side using the optical mouse to view the image library.


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