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AT&T Announces iPhone Specifics

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Jul 1, 2008, 8:30 AM   by Eric M. Zeman
updated Jul 1, 2008, 9:08 AM

Topday AT&T formally announced details regarding the iPhone, including customer eligibility and different pricing plans. The 8GB 3G iPhone will cost $199, and the 16GB iPhone will cost $299. These prices will be available to customers who purchased an iPhone before July 11; to new customers; and to any customer who is eligible for an upgrade discount. Customers who are not eligible for a discount may pay $399 for the 8GB model or $499 for the 16GB model. Either way, a new two-year agreement is required. At some point in the future, AT&T will offer no-contract availability of the 3G iPhone at the full retail price of $599 and $699 price for the 8GB and 16GB models, respectively. The iPhone will require one of four plans, which bundle voice minutes with unlimited data for web and email use. The unlimited minutes and data plan will cost $130 per month, the 1350-minute plan will cost $110, the 900-minute plan will cost $90 and the 450-minute plan will cost $70. Separate family plans are also available. Messaging is not included in any of these plans and must be added separately. $20 buys unlimited messaging, $15 buys 1500 messages, and $5 buys 200 messages per month. As noted previously, any iPhone customer seeking corporate email support will need a $45 business data plan.


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Jul 1, 2008, 7:49 PM

come on iphone step it up, so called perfect phone

The cost - I've written about the value proposition of iPhone 3G already, and sure enough it'll cost you an extra $160 or so over the next two years vs. the original iPhone. Worth it? It's debatable, but I can't blame people for not being happy about the service price hike.

The camera - there's still no flash and no video recording on the device. I'll add the camera resolution: We're going to see 8 megapixel cell phone cameras in the U.S. this year, and the iPhone is still stuck with a puny 2MP model? Many early rumors also had expected the iPhone 3G to include a forward-facing camera for videoconferencing use. Naturally that didn't happen either.

The battery - Not replaceable. Again. On the other hand, this shouldn't be a surprise con...
The Phone has flaws. But overall they are trying to give the people what they need without going to n95 territory on the price. But don't be suprised if some of these issues aren't addressed in the future.

Jul 1, 2008, 11:33 AM


You might want something more Iphone-ish, like the iphone.
Are you drunk?

Jul 1, 2008, 11:17 AM

The Instinct with Sprint 30 $$$ Cheaper...

the phone is way cheaper too, and the plan is unlimited everything WITH navigation! It's about time we one-upped AT&T!
... but the OS and user controls are seemless and easily surpasses Sprint/Samsung's custom OS for the Instinct.
Cheaper! Agreed! But the hard part is convincing people that Sprint's product is better and that is just not going to happen.
then your phone just cost you an additional 50 to 200 dollars, So Sad
Yeah, but you have to use Sprint... ugh. 😕

Jul 1, 2008, 6:55 PM

You know how you can tell the iPhone is an undustry changer?

I've never seen any device cause so many haters from everyone that doesn't have AT&T! Even Verizon's CEO is getting into the Apple hater mode! So sad! Every time a new post is made on this site about the iPhone there are over a hundred forum post full of haters and saying how this phone or that phone is better and blah, blah, blah....
AT&T has it and thats that, get over it! There is NO SUCH THING as a perfect phone! The Nokia N95 has always been considered one of the best all around phones in our industry and even it has its downfalls. Learn to love what you have and what you sell!! You'll make a whole lot more money that way I guarantee it.
I really think people hate on this phone because some people that have it think that it is the phone to end all phones. Well, there are a lot of options out there for both CDMA and GSM that offer the iphone some serious competition.

THe iphone is ...
what's an undustry?

And I just sold my iPhone and switched to Verizon.
I was one of those people who fell the Apple hype. I thought hey, I have a Macbook pro so the iPhone can't be that bad....I was wrong.

I had horrible reception at AT&T, and...
what's an undustry?

And I just sold my iPhone and switched to Verizon.
I was one of those people who fell for the Apple hype. I thought hey, I have a Macbook pro so the iPhone can't be that bad....I was wrong.

I had horrible reception at AT&T,...
gsmrulz said:
I've never seen any device cause so many haters from everyone that doesn't have AT&T! Even Verizon's CEO is getting into the Apple hater mode! So sad! Every time a new post is made on this site about the iPhone there
I agree with you! There is no perfect phone and Ill one up you. There is no perect carrier either. AT&T is worldwide while Verizon is great w/ reception, Sprint has a great plan for 99$ etc etc the list goes on and for every good on one carrier theres...

Jul 2, 2008, 2:27 PM

If I purchase an iPhone today...

...will my data/text plan stay at 20.00 once July 11th rolls out, or will I get bumpted up to the new 3G iPhone rates???
Yes youn will have to pay the higher data plan

Jul 1, 2008, 9:31 AM

this phone sucks, just wait for the Blackberry Thunder from VZW

that is all.
🤣 This phone ain't even MILL Spec just wait for the Casio Boulder!!! 🤤
You think so 😕

A Blackberry with a touchscreen is just a blackberry with a touch screen. LG, HTC, and Samsung have all tried and failed to duplicate anything remotely as user friendly as the iPhone's touch interface. So all I am thinking that ...
MidnightDT said:
that is all.

Yeah I read that about the DAre.....LOL

The N95 is the best phone to do everything. Maybe not as slick or touchy feely but it does everything the iphad does and far more.

Jul 1, 2008, 9:37 AM

Separate Fee for Messaging is Lame

This is so lame. Messaging is not included in a data plan and users wanting the messaging option will have to fork over from $5 to $20 additional per month. I'd expect more from AT&T.

I guess I am not buying an iPhone then. Or at least not any time soon.
Yeah I really want it but 39.99 plus $30 plus $20 for text plus prob $12 tax would take me just over $100...NUTZ!
I wouldn't expect more from AT&T. Honestly, it's not like they're a consumer friendly company.

This nickel and diming is EXACTLY what you'd expect them to do.
This is how to screw the system:

http://www.macsimumnews.com/index.php/archive/how_to ... »

I'm mad at AT&T, but will get around the texting fees, and this is how I'll do it. I think if enough people complain,...

Jul 1, 2008, 10:25 AM

If I purchased an iPhone on 9/07 but it's not on my account now?

Will I get the discounted pricing? I even have my receipt still! If anyone knows this information I'd love to hear it.
how are you using it if its not on your acct?
Bring the receipt and the phone into a corporate location. Make sure that you are authorized on your account, and bring a photo ID. If you have proof of purchase then an RSC would more than likely just put the phone on your account and note it for y...
and you wont. The person that you sold the phone to will get the deal because he techically owns the phone and will get the price.
Even if the phone is not on your account you should be perfectly fine unless when you switched phones you upgraded and got a discount on a phone...since the iPhone was once on there you'll be fine previous owners are eligable for the discounted price

Jul 1, 2008, 9:18 AM

And still, no corporate discounts on rate plans

Definate deal breaker for me.

not true, i know many people who have a corp discount on there acct still, dunno if it happened on accident or what but they never had it taken away from them
you'll get your discount.
If you are talking about a corporate discount on the price of the phone, then you will not get it (unless something has recently changed). Employees barely get a worthwhile discount on the phone, much less anyone else. If you have a service discount...
Why don't you get your fact straight.... before you post?
I have an iphone in my plan, and I get my discount.

don't make any assumptions..
Okay, so here is how I understand it

2G iPhone plans (not handsets)get corp discount on voice only

3G iPhone plans (not handsets)get discount on voice and data plan.

Now I may reconsider this phone...

Jul 1, 2008, 9:02 AM

Family plans?

What about family plans?
Yes, family plans are available as well.
Mored detailed article about the new iPhone plans is on Engadget: http://www.engadget.com/2008/07/01/atandt-ann ounces-iphone-3g-pricing-plans/
Alright if a current employee could help that would be great...I am currently on family plan with my mother and father. Mother being the host at 50.00, father 9.99, and myself 9.99. From what I have read at At&t it looks like that in order for me to...

Jul 1, 2008, 5:29 PM

Stop talking about iphone clones.

Hi, just letting you all know that the iphone was NOT the first touch-screen phone so please don't refer to other touch-screen phones as iphone clones. Both the LG Prada and Samsung Armani were made before the iphone. I believe the HTC Touch was being made at the same time. Don't get me wrong, I think the iphone is really cool and I support Apple. This "clone" talk is just lame.
I completely agree with you, not only the 3 you mentioned but many other phones overseas launched well before the iPhone with similar features. It is just people in the U.S. are so sold on Apple's marketing that even phone's launched AND as far as ma...

Jul 1, 2008, 4:56 PM

eric zeman

at the begining of the article you have "Topday"

just a heads up =)

Jul 1, 2008, 11:17 AM

The things people do for an iphone

bruuuhahahaha! AT&T are ripping people a new one LOL. I got a Sero plan... nothing advertised on the market beats that.

BUT if i had to choose a plan and I had a PDA/Blackberry/Smartphone and wanted to take advantage of all its features... Sprints Everything plan blows everything away.

Voice/Turn by turn NAV GPS, Sprint Music, Sprint TV, Unlimited data, Unlimited Blackberry Internet service, oh yeah and TXT/VIDEO MSG is also included.

450 - 70.00
900 - 90.00
Unlimited - 100.00 🙂

I guess thats the price you pay to own an iphone. But im sure apple fans do not mind paying that much. to each is own.

And yeah yeah blah blah.. sprint customer service sucks... sprint is going to collapse...

1) out of the three years i've h...
lame. you have a rare phone plan with a lame company.... Superstar!!!
bones boy

Jul 1, 2008, 10:20 AM

$599/$699 and LOCKED?

Unbelievable. What's the reasoning behind this? Certainly AT&T will make their money off the month-to-monthers, but their refusal to unlock the full price phone is arrogant. Hopefully you'll be able to call CS and get it unlocked as you can do now with other phones (but I'd bet not).
Apple influences decisions like that. AT&T merely carries the phone and provides the services for it. Apple controls the pricing and capabilities.
Just like the Palm centro is 350 with out an upgrade for ATT and the blackberry curve is 429 without an upgrade. its normal. ask any sprint customer who lost their phone without insurance.

Jul 1, 2008, 11:23 AM

Wow..I'll keep my N95's..Thank You

WOW....I''ll keep the N95 awhile.

$70 a month for 450 minutes with Internet and no text? Would that be $120 for a shared line?

Yikes. Im paying $89 a month for 2 shared N95s with UL data on both phones!!
Besides my hang up with T9 as opposed to a full qwerty keyboard, I wish I had my N95 for Colorado last week and Vegas tomorrow. That phone kicked a$$ for speed, pictures, video.
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