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First DLNA Certified Mobile Is Nokia N95 8GB

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Jan 18, 2008, 11:07 AM   by Eric M. Zeman

The Nokia N95 8GB is the first mobile phone to be certified as a Digital Living Network Alliance device. Consumer electronic equipment that is DLNA certified shares a common platform and offers easier interconnectivity for transferring media and content. The DLNA has certified the N95 8GB as a mobile digital media server due its ability to store and share large quantities of photos, music and video. The DLNA has certified over 1,800 other devices, but the N95 8GB is the first phone to meet the DLNA standards.


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Jan 18, 2008, 11:15 AM


they need to test this phone
What I'm curious about is why only the N95 8GB but not the regular N95 that I have. Heck, I don't have an 8GB card in mine, but I know it can handle it. I think the regular N95 should also be considered.
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