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Review: Samsung Behold

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Pictures taken with the Behold's 5 megapixel camera were not as impressive as I was hoping. Close-up shots that use the flash were often overexposed. A lot of the shots I took indoors were out of focus. Why? Probably because it takes so long to focus and fire the shutter. You're never sure exactly when the camera will take the picture. This means you may move the camera just as it clicks the shutter. Blown up on a computer monitor, lots of grain was visible and apparent.

In order to achieve the best results, I highly recommend that you set the ISO at 400, and make sure the phone is set to a shooting mode that matches what you're doing. I know this is clunky and takes time, but if you want pictures that are worth looking at, it is better to make the adjustments before you shoot rather than hope to edit the images later.

Pictures taken outside in bright sunlight were much better, but still had grain and noise in the image that I wasn't expecting to see. Though the pictures don't quite match the quality of images coming from other 5-megapixel camera phones like the Nokia N96 and Motorola ZN5, the Behold's images are far and away better than those of many other camera phones.



Video taken with the Behold was no better or different from what you'd expect to see shot with a 2 megapixel camera. Motion was jittery and stilted, grain was everywhere, and there was a complete lack of sharp focus. On top of that, the audio from the Behold's video camera was scratchy and inconsistent. Video can be set to record in an unlimited fashion or optimized for MMS messages.

MPEG-4 format (viewable with QuickTime)


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