Samsung Aiming for 11K Phone Displays
Jul 10, 2015, 10:12 AM by Rich Brome
Samsung Display has started working on a mobile phone display that is over four times sharper than today's highest-resolution (quad-HD) displays. The new display would have a pixel density of 2,250 ppi (pixels per inch), compared to just over 500 ppi for today's quad-HD displays. By another measurement, if quad-HD qualifies as "2K", this new display would be "11K" resolution, with far more pixels than today's 4K UHD televisions. Samsung claims this sharpness would enable a 3D effect without glasses. The company hopes to have a prototype ready by early 2018. If used in VR applications - such as a phone paired with Samsung's Gear VR accessory - such a display would dramatically improve visible resolution. The lenses in VR goggles magnify the display such that pixels are clearly visible even with today's best quad-HD displays. Samsung displays are also used in Oculus Rift VR goggles.
The fact that no one here understands the benefit of having more pixels on the screen is astounding.
Furthermore, what's the point of 32 bit color? Nobody can possibly tell the difference in millions of different colors. That's just overkill. We should just go back to a 16 color palette, right?
When they invented the telephone, people probably said Who needs it. or the Car eh, who needs it. the TV, Microwave, heck most inventions someone probably said. "who needs...