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Cingular Lets 3G Data Info Slip

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Nov 14, 2005, 1:10 PM   by (staff)

Cingular has unofficially launched a page for their HSDPA high speed data PC Card today. The Sierra Wireless AC 860 features dual band (850/1900) HSDPA as well as quad-band GPRS/EDGE. The page is still a work in progress, and the card is not yet available, however the page does reveal more information about Cingular's 3G network. Cingular now claims download speeds of 400-700 Kbps, with a maximum burst of 1.8 Mbps. Earlier documents were still showing first generation 3G speeds, but these new figures reflect the expected speed of HSDPA. Cingular also claims an upload speed of only 40-60 Kbps at launch, which is well below expectations. Documents leaked earlier unveiled the cities as well as a November time frame for the launch.



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Nov 14, 2005, 4:17 PM


Yet again GSM fails to catch upto CDMA. The data speeds are no where near what evdo has! Not to worry, europe has millions of users who have no choice but to accept it, so atleast all of you poor gsm useres will not be lonely!
Okay, just because Cingular is advertising those speeds doesn't mean that is what they will actually be. Can you give them a chance to release it first? They already raised the (soont to be) advertised speeds onces.

1. They have the option of ca...
Do you realize how ridiculous you sound? All you need to do is cackle and add "mwahahaha" onto the end of your statement, and you would fit into an Austin Powers movie as one of Dr. Evil's henchmen. 🙄 Why don't you calm down and focus your energ...

Nov 14, 2005, 8:11 PM

One of Cingular's UMTS networks

I can verify this information as I am testing Cingular's wildly fast network in one of their markets. I have pictures verifying this on our test equipment. I have driven most of the city (viewing this page, of course) but also averaging about 100KBps down. I like knowing that too. It's not just some proprietary FTP we're using, because we used our company's also (we're just contractors for Cingular).

Hope this helps and fuels the speculation.
I also can confirm that Cingular's HSDPA is up and running in several cities. I am typing this reply using HSDPA. With a strong signal, average download speeds are currently in the 700 - 1000kbps range with uploads averaging around 128kbps. I believe ...

Nov 16, 2005, 5:34 PM

Full Story

Is it possible for anyone to post the link's page onto the forum so that everyone can see it? I tried the link and I couldn't log in.

Nov 14, 2005, 1:25 PM

I don't know why everyone acts so surprised

wcdma has always had a limited uplink, 128kbps max to be exact. these speeds should have been expected all along. It should also come as no surprise that the downlink isn't going to support the overhyped speeds of 3.2mbps, 6.4mbps, 9.6mbps, 12.8mbps, or 14.4mbps.
umts' limited uplink speed is 384 Kbps max, not 128 K. 128 may be what average throughput amounts to.

Nov 15, 2005, 6:13 PM

It's not how big your pipe is, it's what you do with it

So Cingular, Verizon, Sprint and to a certain extent T-Mobile will have fast networks this year. Big deal. Now what are they going to do with them? So far, I ain't seen anything worthwhile on a phone. PC cards make more sense, but the prices are stupid. Streaming TV looks interesting, if the quality is good. Apart from that, it all just looks boring to me.
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