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Google Search Can Shoot Pix with Voice Commands

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Mar 19, 2014, 4:05 PM   by Eric M. Zeman

Google today announced a change to its main Google Search app for Android devices. The Google Now aspect of Google Search, which listens to and acts on voice commands, has added the ability to respond to voice commands concerning the camera or the video camera. Users can say, "OK Google," followed by "take a photo" or "take a video." The Google Search app will then automatically launch the appropriate app and take the corresponding action. Google Search is available to download from the Google Play Store for free.


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Mar 19, 2014, 5:48 PM

This sounds like...

This sounds just like the tech they use when the NSA/Google/DARPA want to spy on us without warrants! Now the tech is available as a free "feature"! Wonderful! How come I want to bet tons of money that the "terms of agreement" include "Google reserves the right to use your camera at any time"?
I'm 100% sure that if the government wants to spy on us they wouldn't wait until google made taking a picture with a voice command a feature for their phones. What are they going to do, actually go up to our phones and say "OK Google, take a picture?"...
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