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RIM To Add Enterprise IM Software

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Apr 19, 2005, 1:40 PM   by (staff)

RIM has inked deals with Microsoft, Novell and IBM to enable communication between their enterprise IM clients for the PC and Blackberry devices. Microsoft and RIM are working on a client for Microsoft's Office Live Communication Server that includes secure IM. A client should be available by the end of the year. RIM is working with IBM to develop a Lotus Instant Messaging client that would combine presence features from the IM platform with additional features from Web Conferencing. RIM is also working with Novell to create a client for the Novell GoupWise Messenger to complete support for all corporate messaging systems.

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Apr 19, 2005, 7:11 PM

Not fooling around

It's obvious RIM wants to keep its dominance in the market it carved out of nothing.
RIM is very methodical and meticulous. They slowly implement everything on their wish list; even if it is slower then other manufacturers. The key is when they do implement a new feature, it is done right. They do some hardcore R&D before going throug...
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