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Verizon Grabs More Spectrum

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Mar 14, 2005, 11:10 AM   by (staff)

Verizon Wireless today announced a $102.5 million deal to purchase spectrum and other assets from Leap Wireless (Cricket). The spectrum consists of 23 licenses in Michigan, Wisconsin, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama and upstate New York. While most of the spectrum will simply add capacity to Verizon's existing network, the deal will also add nine new markets for Verizon, and expand the coverage area in four existing markets, adding 2.7 million people to the company's licensed footprint. The transaction is expected to close around the middle of 2005.



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Mar 14, 2005, 9:06 PM


Michigan needs someone like VZW to expand coverage further up north, I hope Michigan is one of the markets gaining EXPANSION...
Well the coverage looks like it will expand in Michigan but not far enough North for me. I was hoping for the UP to get some verizon coverage but it looks like the the lower half is going to get it all this time.

"The spectrum licenses also includ...
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