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LG VX-8300


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Jun 11, 2006, 12:01 PM

Outside display

From reading previous threads, it is obvious that you can't read text messages on the outside display. I don't care much about that. But what about seeing called ID information on the outside display without opening the phone to answer it? That is important to me.
4 replies

Jun 11, 2006, 6:01 PM

call bars

is there an option to make it show only the four 1x data bars at all times?
6 replies

Jun 12, 2006, 1:13 AM

VZ Navigator Now Released for the VX8300!!!!

I was just checking for it around 1:30am est, on my phone, because I knew it was to be released by June13th, yet, its already on my phone, and it works very nicely. Gonna use it in a few hours when I pick my brother up from the airport. ๐Ÿ˜Ž
3 replies

Jun 12, 2006, 7:06 AM

MP3 Ringtone solution

I had a bunch of MP3 ringtones that played perfectly on my VX8000 and my wife's VX8100. Without a BitPim update I couldn't install them on my 8300.

I tried all the tricks posted in this forum and nothing worked. I even tried installing them on my wife's phone and messaging them to my 8300 - They either wouldn't send on the 8100 or wouldn't play on the 8300.

When I noticed I could send files with the .qcp tag on them I changed the .MP3 tag on all my ringers and reinstalled them on the 8100.

They played perfectly as .qcp on the 8100, they were able to be sent to my 8300, and they were easily saved as ringtones. TADA!

I assume the altered files could easily be sent as an email attachment as well.

The ringtone issue was the on...

Jun 12, 2006, 1:38 AM

downloading ringtones

Is there a way to download ringtones onto the sd card?

Jun 11, 2006, 3:28 PM

important signal question, help!

i just got my lg 8300 around a week to 1.5 weeks ago and im still new 2 this, so forgive me if i sound like an idiot. i notice that on my phone, there are always 2 bars: an EV bar and a 1X bar, but in the icon identifier thing they show a EV bar and a D bar too, what is that, and is it better than EV and 1X? also, sometimes I have 4 bars in EV and 4 bars in 1X but when i call someone, the EV automatically drops and I only see the 1X until i hang up. is this normal and why does it do this? also what do 1X, D, and EV mean? thanks for ur help.
2 replies

Jun 11, 2006, 3:02 PM

Using as a MP3

ok - be patient. I'm new to this. I want to be able to use the MP3 funtion, but have no idea where to even begin. I think i understand that i need the cable and also a card. True? what to do from there? thanks.
1 reply

Jun 11, 2006, 11:31 AM


how do you turn on mp3 player i do not see an option? I also do not see where i can record my own ringtone...where is the " my sounds option" ? thx
6 replies

Jun 10, 2006, 5:57 PM

cant add mp3's to the phone

i formatted the sd card on the phone and unlocked the mp3 from the secret menu, but when i use my card reader and try to add mp3's it starts to do it then says error device not ready. what does that mean? i can add pix fine. any one out there know how to fix this?
1 reply

Jun 10, 2006, 6:29 PM

music wont send to phone with sd card

i have not activated my phone but i can send pix to my phone but not mp3 files. i was wondering if i need to activate the phone before i can send the files in. i place them onto the sd card, but when on the phone, it says the card is empty
1 reply

Jun 10, 2006, 7:37 PM

error when trying to add mp3s to the sd card from pc

i have the card and its formatted but when i try to add mp3's it gives me an error saying device not ready. i can add pix fine. i also unlocked the mp3 from the secret menu.
1 reply

Jun 7, 2006, 8:12 AM

Verizon Rep: Emailed Ringtones won't work on 8300!

I'm frustrated and am about to go back to my VX8000 until someone figures out how to crack the ringtone code! ๐Ÿ‘ฟ LOL! I cut the mp3 down to 26 secs, emailed to my VX8000 and i was able to play the sound, but wasn't able to download it to my phone because my phone memory was full. So then I activated my 8300 and tried to send the same file through e-mail to the 8300, guess what...NO SOUND!! HELP!!! Whatever will I do?!? The preloaded ringtones are killing me and i refuse to feed the machine and by a ringtone for $1.99...lol. ๐Ÿ™„
23 replies

Jun 11, 2006, 12:49 PM

Problem: A lot of Echo

I just bought the 8300 earlier this week, and am experiencing a very loud echo of my own voice when talking to someone. Of course, this is normal on all phones to some extent, but mine is pronounced. I think the technical term for this is foldback or feedback idk. But does anyone else with this phone have the same problem? I am still within my 15 day period so i can return it but i want to make sure not all of the phones are like this.
1 reply

Jun 10, 2006, 11:10 PM

How many can I....

We just bought the phone tonight. Hubby wouldn't buy the Music essential pk or the card because I already have an IPOD. How many MP3 songs can I get on the phone? The sales guy at Verizon said about 5! โ˜น๏ธ
6 replies

Jun 11, 2006, 11:17 AM

External Display question

I will be buying this phone this week but wanted to know if the external window stays on when you place a call. My 6100 always has a very dim glow the whole time I am talking. Thanks.
1 reply

Jun 10, 2006, 4:12 PM


๐Ÿคจ i need help! how can i use songs from my transflash for ringtones!!
1 reply

Jun 10, 2006, 10:45 PM

Data Cable Fix

I have my data cable from the LG VX6000 that i modified to use for the 8100 by taking a dremel and sanding down the bottom lip. No Grooves, so i tried it in my 8300 when i got it and it works just fine. BITPIM worked and everything. If your tired of waiting and you own a cable for your 8100, just sand down the grooves and you will be ok.

Jun 9, 2006, 10:40 PM

Damn this phone is pimp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

F@%K Motorola ๐Ÿคฃ

LG has won me back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Great feel/ solid build quality
Great UI
Loud earpiece
Nice keypad
Crystal clear calls better then my V325, and E815.

Everything great that has been mentioned is dead on in my book, I'm happy

๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜
17 replies

Jun 9, 2006, 10:25 PM

new call bars

i understand that this phone has the new 8 bars instead of the 4 bars. Is this easy to see or do you need to put glasses on? Also is there an option for changing it back to the standard 4 bars? Anyone know anything else about the signal bars or anything else in general thats new about this phone?
5 replies

Jun 10, 2006, 4:37 AM

Phone "restarts" when playing ringtone

I posted this earlier in the wrong thread...sorry..
I e-mailed an mp3 (266kb) to my 8300.I sent it by my10digitcell#@vzwpix.com. When I received it, the phone listed it as a .mid file..I set the file as a ringtone, but when I tried to play it or when I called my cell#, the phone will not play the ringtone and "reboots" itself. Any ideals?
2 replies
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