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LG VX-8300


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Jun 13, 2006, 7:01 PM

Neat Voice Command

Press the Voice command button and when it asks you to say a command,

Check Status

or status check

And see what happens.
2 replies

Jun 13, 2006, 5:50 PM

Voice Memo?

I can't find this feature. Does it exist? Can someone walk me through finding it? thanks.
2 replies

Jun 13, 2006, 7:48 PM

How do I delete ring tone?

While learning to email myself ring tones, I did a few that didn't work but I didn't find out until I had saved tham as ring tones. Now I can't find a way to delete them.

Jun 13, 2006, 6:33 PM

Voice memos and ringtones

Can you record a memo the set that same memo as a ringer? If so how?
1 reply

Jun 13, 2006, 5:31 PM

ikg2004- question about new software and front screen?

ikg2004, in your review you said that you heard a software update might be coming out to make the front screen display text messages. Thats the first I've heard of that. Where did you hear that from?


Jun 11, 2006, 6:00 PM


Can anyone who has this phone, please tell me if you can dl mp3's to the transfash card and then play them on the phone? Like the E815. Can you control it on the outside of the phone? Is this phone a downgrade from the E815?
4 replies

Jun 13, 2006, 4:20 PM

ne one know

does ne one know whether or not you can get the light to come on when you are taking a video...i know on my 670 it comes on as soon as you hit record..but on my 8300 it does not..is there a setting to do it or can you not do it with the 8300..please help ne info. is appreciated..thanks
1 reply

Jun 12, 2006, 10:09 PM

Sold Out on Long Island

I finally decided to bite the bullet and buy the phone. I dropped my wife off at work and proceeded to drive to the VZW store.
I waited and played with the phones, convinced two women looking for phones that they should buy it.
We all get to the "register area" only to be told they are SOLD OUT!. NOOOOOOOOOOO!
They call around to 6 area stores and all have none in stock.
Running out of the store in tears...I barely make it to my car and have to resort to using my RAZR again to make a call after I cursed at it as I was walking into the VZW store earlier.
As I was driving home, I saw in the distance a Circuit City and then remembered that they are official Corporate Stores.
I turned the wheels of my car and ran into the store screami...
3 replies

Jun 13, 2006, 4:18 PM

Handsfree Problems

I have stereo handsfree headphones that I've used with a few different phones to listen to mp3s and talk to people. When I plug it into the 8300 the music sounds all distorted and while on a call the person can't hear me. Does this phone take a special kind of stereo handsfree?

Jun 13, 2006, 6:57 AM

Adding ringtones with Bitpim

I've seen various posts about bitpim not woring with the 8300 and, never having used bitpim or bluetooth, I had no idea what anyone was talking about. So I borrowed by buddy's bluetooth adapter, downloaded bitpim and, after a bit of trial and error (with some help from threads here), my phone is now full of mp3 ring tones.

As everyone has already figured out, the 8300 is not officially supported in bitpim. However the filesystem view works just fine (at least it does for me). Here's what I did...

NOTE: I don't have bitpim in front of me so names of things might be slightly off

1. Used Audacity to create my tones. I made tones that were about 30s long at 64k

2. Started my bluetooth adapter and pared my phone to it. It assigne...

Jun 12, 2006, 7:44 PM

Latest Reviews

I kind of chuckle to myself when I read negative reviews on a phone (any phone) and then you see that the person just joined Phone Scoop that day (then you never hear from them again). The latest two negative reviews (that really are complete opposite of what everyone else is saying) have their authors joining on June 12. Perhaps they are legitimate reviews but most likely they're not!
3 replies

Jun 12, 2006, 7:13 PM

Vibrate AND ring setting?

Just wondering if there's a way to set the phone to vibrate AND ring when a call comes in. My old LG you could turn the volume all the way up and after "high" would be "vib & high" option.
2 replies

Jun 12, 2006, 6:17 PM


That's a Zip Code. And I'm pleased to say that I initiated and enjoyed a complete call there on a wireless phone for THE FIRST TIME EVER. (Sure, Verizon shows network there on its maps but what they don't show you is the huge mountains surrounding this town.)

Don't let anyone tell you the 8300 doesn't have killer RF.

I am absolutely ecstatic.

😁 😁 😁 😁 😁 😁 😁 😁 😁 😁
3 replies

Jun 12, 2006, 5:00 PM

Nice review moto luvr

Well done. 2 of my buddies are currently trying out the phone and will post their reviews within the next couple of weeks. I hope they give it a fair chance. One of the guy's name is Phone Skoop 2. 😉
1 reply

Jun 7, 2006, 6:53 AM

VZ Nav on 8300

I know the VZN feature will be avail after June 13. If I buy a phone now, will I be able to get that feature as a free software upgrade?
3 replies

Jun 12, 2006, 4:09 PM

Sound Quality vs 8100

I love listening to mp3s on my 8100. How does the sound quality on the 8300 compare?

Jun 12, 2006, 2:04 PM

I wish I could see inside this phone.

This phone is such a miracle of packaging. I wish I could see inside. I wish they offered a clear case. Does anyone know how many chips are used in this phone and how it is laid out? If you eliminate the battery and display space there isn't much space left.
1 reply

Jun 12, 2006, 11:56 AM

Survey Request for locations with 'great reception'

Seattle WA 😁

I'm getting great RF here, what about everyone else?


Jun 12, 2006, 7:56 AM

Question about pricing

I'm eligible for a NE2. With that in mind, what price should I be seeing for the 8300? Is it $50? I thought I had read here that some folks were getting it for $0 but now I don't see that and I assume I just misread something.

Also, is there a price difference between going to a Verizon store vs. ordering online? Thanks.
6 replies

Jun 11, 2006, 10:19 PM

shortcut key

Is there a way to set the key to a sub menue such as get going instead of the main menue of get tunes and tones?
3 replies
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