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LG VX-8100


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Jun 24, 2005, 9:35 PM

8000 NOT overstocked!

I know what your saying does make sense, that they would hold off to release this phone until the was sold out. But we've been out of it for a week or so. Our distribution center has less then 400 left. And it would be LG's call on how many were made. Since they knew the 8100 was coming out this summer, they didn't make as many as usual. LG doesn't overstock, they understock way more often.
13 replies

Jun 24, 2005, 11:06 PM

E815 in stock...to anyone who cares

The is EXPECTED to be released on the 5th of July, It is showing in stock at this point, however they may be short on stock when it comes out if alot of people are getting it. Hopefully this means the 8100 will be in stock soon. But I wouldn't expect it on the 27th.
5 replies

Jun 24, 2005, 11:46 AM

We can stop holding our breath

I just spent 16.2 minutes on the phone with a Verizon cs person. When she could not answer my question about anticipated availability of the 8100, she went to her manager. To make a long call short--the 8100 info. is there, but neither she nor her manager foresees release anytime in the near and not-so-near future.
I am so depressed now ☚ī¸ . . . and confused 😕 I really do not want the 8000. Wish I could just switch carriers, but I am stuck until December. Hmm--wonder if Verizon will carry any new phones by then?
14 replies

Jun 24, 2005, 4:00 PM

8100 is now where near to coming out.

All you people who think Monday is the big day for the 8100 your all wrong, so don't get your hopes up.
The E-815 just was posted as coming soon on info center. The next phone to come out is the new samsung, the newer version of the i700, which gonna be out the 7th.
I don't know where all you so called people are getting these dates from, and why you are physced because its on the approved list. We already know its going to be on Verizon's CDMA. Believe me i wish it came out monday too but its not.
11 replies

Jun 24, 2005, 1:05 PM

Yeah, another therad

Just returned from getting my 8000. Rep at the store told me he looks for the phone to be released either next week or the week after...which is what most of the rumors have already stated.
He also told me, even though I didn't bring up the question, that I could feel free to return the 8000 for the 8100 if it is released in my 15 day window...which is what I was planning on doing.

He seemed pretty in-the-know about the phone's info, so I'm going to trust him. 😁
He also told me to "Check out a website called Phonescoop, because they usually get the phones and info before even we do"
5 replies

Jun 24, 2005, 11:05 AM

I have a Question

What is EVDO really. Is it just really pre-recored clips of news, sports, etc like I hear?

If its more then that then what can be done with it?

😁 Thanks
7 replies

Jun 24, 2005, 8:22 PM

MP3 Ringtones

i know people have said that you can not have MP3 ring tones

http://www.mobiledia.com/phones/lg/vx8100.html »

just look at this website


Wallpapers: 176 x 220 px

Screen Savers: 176 x 220 px

🙂 Ring Tones: 64 chord / MP3 😕

Jun 24, 2005, 1:47 PM

Just Got Off The Phone With LG

They're saying definitely sometime this summer.
2 replies

Jun 23, 2005, 2:46 PM


Has no one else had problems with previous motorola phones? i had a cheaper model 2 years ago and what a piece of crap! My friend currentl has a more expensive model for cingular and is on his 3rd phone=another piece! The phones were never abused either! i've fallen in love with samsung's e715 and never had an LG but i hear mixed reviews about them!

I'm looking to get the lg 8100 when it comes out but the Samsung a970 has also sparked my interest. After my bad experiences with motorola i cant bring myself to buy another one of their phones in fear it wont last a year even tho they are attractive phones!

any clarifications or suggestions...

thanks! 😁
9 replies

Jun 23, 2005, 10:38 PM

E815 = $99 2yr, $299 Full Retail

Word broke on the Motorola E815's pricing today over at HowardForums.com.

2yr = $149 ($99 w/ $50 rebate)
1yr = $199
Full Retail = $299

Release Date: July 5th.

superphoneman, SlaveRep, roc a fella
3 replies

Jun 23, 2005, 8:06 PM


🙄 🙄 🙄 Does anyone know if this is a "full, 2-way speakerphone? The specs only say speakerphone.
8 replies

Jun 24, 2005, 12:18 AM

Look what I found!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

http://www.verizonwireless.com/b2c/store/controller? ... »

I just changed the 8000 to 8100 and that is what came up. It was hidden.
8 replies

Jun 22, 2005, 4:27 PM

To buy, or not to buy

I'm able to get a new phone with New Every 2 as of this Friday. Here's my problem:
I love the 8000...features, and heck, I even like the looks of the bad boy.

Now, the 8100 has Bluetooth and the miniSD slot. It also looks like it'll have a similar form-factor to my vx6000.

I'm not sure what to do. Do I get my 8000 this Friday, or do I wait until Monday to get the 8100?
I know pricing isn't known for the 8100 yet, but does anyone think it'll be similar to the 8000's current pricing?
Finally, if I remember correctly, Verizon allows customers to return a phone for whatever reason, no charge, within 15 days, is that correct?
If so, could I just get the 8000 on Friday, try it out to make sure it's what I want, and if the 8100 happens...
12 replies

Jun 22, 2005, 7:53 PM

What Circuit City VZW rep said...

Hi again, i asked her about the 8100, she said nothing was in their system about it and that the first sign of them getting a new phone is when they receive training on the new phone.

She relayed that they received training on the Motorola A840 two weeks ago and there is still no word of a release date for it. She also said it is a GMA phone as well as CDMS (?) and would get superior reception.

I looked at the Motorola A840 forum here and there is absolutely no excitement about it, no new posts at all ;) so i will wait for the 8100 - my 'new every two' is up on July 2nd (i can only hope for it to be released by then!)
3 replies

Jun 24, 2005, 9:51 AM

No rebate forms here

When I was getting my 4650 yesterday, the UPS guy delivered a box containing a huge stack of rebate forms. They happily humored me and went through each of them to show me that there was no rebate for for the 8100 in there. Sure, I guess they could have gotten it a while back, or they'll get it today.....or it's just not coming down the pike in this area (STL).

Of course, this is at a store which is an authorized Verizon agent....but not an actual verizon store. I get all my phones/plans from these guys because the customer service is great (no signing in and feeling like you have to make a decision or else your wasting the VZ agents time while you (me) make up your mind!). I've always gotten the same rebates and service that VZ offers di...
2 replies

Jun 22, 2005, 9:19 AM

How to know when released

I know everyone is saying it is going to be on Monday but is there a easier way of knowing that it is released without driving down to the Verizon dealer. Its about an hour from where I live and really don't want to waste a trip down there Monday morning if it is not going to be there.

And do you think i will have a better chance at getting it at the Verizon store, or the kiosk inside of the Circuit City. They are about 2 miles apart so distance is not a big factor i just found service is better at the circuit city booth compared to the Verizon store
6 replies

Jun 23, 2005, 8:44 PM


Sorry for another release rumor, but I was getting a repair on a spare phone today and curiously asked the tech about the 8100. He rather confidently said "it will be out around Labor Day." Sounded believable anyway.
2 replies

Jun 23, 2005, 4:38 PM

mini sd card

does anyone know what the largest size minisd card the 8100 will support?? there are 1gb minisd cards out now and to load that with mp3s would effectively give you a 1.5gb flash mp3 player... will it support even more than that if/when they come out with 2gb+??

thanks... can't wait till this thing comes out already!!
3 replies

Jun 23, 2005, 10:22 PM

Trust Me, Trust Me

I am a phone tech at the store, I want the 8100 just as bad as everyone, I ask all the hire ups everyday, phone has been done with testing forever, phone could be released tom. But their is no release date that anyone knows about at the store level, and even the next step up. I looked at the report of what we are getting next week, and its not on there. So unless they are sneaking them in, I wouldn't get my hopes up, but I hear this MONDAY talk on this site, and I just hope that its true.

Jun 23, 2005, 8:52 PM

V-Cast commercials

Has anyone seen the verizon commercials yet?

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