Sony Xperia Z3v
Phone Scoop Review
Oct 23, 2014 by Eric M. Zeman
Verizon Wireless scored one of Sony's finest efforts in the Xperia Z3v. Sony's flagship Android smartphone generally impresses, despite a few flaws. Read Phone Scoop's in-depth review to find out if it is the phone for you. read review ›
User Reviews

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Could be better
If you are thinking about getting this phone because its a really cheap price at Verizon or an online retailer make sure you read this review.
I dropped Sprint and came to Verizon because even with an Airave I wasn't getting a signal at home and Verizon gave me a good deal (even cheaper than Sprint) to come on my own very account and since I didn't have a lot of money to spend and didn't qualify for the Edge program I decided to go with the ZV3 for $100 after a mail in rebate for a two year contract.
My last Sprint phone was an HTC One M7 that I loved and the M9 had just come out about a week before I got my phone. Some days I wish I would have stuck with an HTC.
Really great camera! I have a part time job going to different stores to merchandise a product and I answer questions in an app and a few questions require a picture one of which is the store address. At some of the stores I take a picture of an ABC or a business licence because the address isn't on the building. Well when I take a picture as mentioned the paper the address is printed on is behind plexi glass. With my HTC One it was often hard to get a good picture without it being blurry. The ZV3 takes great pictures!
Apparently the only thing HTC isn't doing to improve their phones is putting better cameras on them.
If you have a Play Station 3 or maybe its 4 I think there's an app on here for that but I don't have either system so I don't know what exactly the app does.
I can't really think of any other pros other than the camera.
No Lollipop update
I bought this phone within a month of when I received the Lollipop on my One M7 which came out a year before this phone did. Yet Sony has yet to release an update for that.
Issues! I had issues within the first month of having this phone. Some basic apps like settings freeze up. My Play Store stopped working and the whole phone had to be reset.

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review of the Sony Xperia Z3v
Out of the box this phone is a champ! I replaced my ailing Note 3. I was having issues with reception and call quality. The Z3v has surpassed my expectations! I am very pleased with my choice to get this phone!
Update! I have been using this fantastic phone for s few weeks now. Battery is lasting me a full 14 hours with moderate use, 48 hours with slightly more than light use. Screen is bright and crisp! I did chuck the default UI for Nova Prime Launcher (more customizable options). The sound is awesome on speaker and in call quality! If I really had a complaint it would be the lack of accessories because its an in between model or a Frankenphone.. (parts of the Z2 and Z3) Other than that I Have no other complaints. The reception is better in those places that the note 3 would get nothing I now get at least 3G & now I get 4G is everywhere else! All this with an SD card slot which is a must for me! If you need a well rounded phone that is not all hype get this phone! I hope that helps you! Thanks!
Update 6/1/15
I did a reset today, phone was showing some real lag. I have realized that most android phones will need to be factory reset at some point so no disappointment with the Z3v. As far as accessories I was able to get the otterbox defender case for this phone and a screen protector so I am please with that and still have high marks for this phone! Thanks!